I can remember how the WT always claimed that the bible could be trusted as gods word because the bible writers were so honest and candid about their own mistakes and did not try to hide them.
Can the same be said of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witneses?
If I were to join the YMCA for no other reason to have access to the pool, I would be disfellowshiped. Cast out, not deserving of everlasting life.
If the JW leaders join the UN for no other reason to get a library card, then they are just imperfect men, give them a break.
I continue to hear of more and more reports of publishers who submit their letter of dissasociation after finding out about the UN scandal. There have been many DA letters that document the WT association with the UN as a reason for them leaving. Certainly the governing body is aware of this trend. What is their response? NOTHING! NO CONFESSION, NO REPENTENCE, NO REMORSE, NO HUMILITY, NO WRITTEN APOLOGY to the sheep they may stumble, NOTHING!
If these men were truly of God, they would take to heart the words of Jesus at Mathew 18:6 "But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who put faith in me, it is more beneficial for him to have hung around his neck a millstone such as is turned by an ass and to be sunk in the wide, open sea."
If we can trust the bible is gods word based on the open and honest record of mistakes by those who wrote it, that same standard convicts these self proclaimed sons of god as being NOT from god at all.