It was in the seventies when G.B. member Dan Sydlik addressed the Bethel Family with the talk "Don't Lose Heart". Anyone remember it ?Some of the things he mentioned about how Not to Lose Heart were contrasted.For example: He would say,"Sure there is Sickness,but my, there is a lot of Good Health! Sure there is Famine,but my,there is plenty of Food in other places! Sure there is War,but my,there is Peace in other places! Sure there is Poverty,but my,there is Riches in other places! Sure people are dying,but my,there is a lot of Living going on!
Don't Lose Heart Brothers! If this is the way Jehovahhhhh lets it be,then what are we going to do about it.Let Jehovahhhh handle it and Don't Lose Heart.Of cause in his own inimitable way he would throw in a couple of Bible Stories to support his lectures.
And yet I can't help it,the way things are going in this world today,I do Lose Heart! When I read your posts,when I read about the sufferings of many,including the top ten underreported Humanitarian Crises of 2002,stories of untold horror,and when I think about G.B.member Dan Sydlik's talk way back when to the Bethel Family...."Let Jehovahhhh handle it",I do Lose Heart,because none of it makes any sense! And BTW.How long does Sydlik think it will be before Jehovahhh does handle it?
I appreciate your responses to this post in advance,anyone around then that remembers this lecture ?What do you think about it now after all these years? Blueblades