Apostate free thinkers= Satanist??

by nakedmvistar 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • nakedmvistar

    I found this article on a satanist website. This is luciferianism 101.

    Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many people really apply this? Only when you can completely free your mind, will you be able to come into your own. How and what to think and believe, what our likes, dislikes, concepts of right and wrong, good and evil are, are constantly being programmed by the media, peer pressure and how those in power believe we should be. Those in power can refer to the government, parents, family, educational institutions and text books, the system, the medical association and so on. Many live their lives by the values of others and as a result, they never come to know themselves. They are TOLD what to believe and think.

    The television is a good example. Canned laughter implies something is supposed to be funny and it's OK to laugh. Backround music lets the viewer know when they should get scared or anticipate something. Emotional scenes lead some people to tears and so on. Life is much like this. One is supposed to obtain some form of approval for any and every thought and action.

    Take a look at the xtian (christian) church. Everyone is repeatedly told this disgrace to humanity is something "good." In spite of continual and blatantly obvious signs to the contrary, most people actually believe this. The xtian bible is called the "good book."
    Full of mass murder, slaughter, torture, gang rape, prostitution, cannibalism, infanticide, mutilation, blood sacrifice, curses, hatred and every ugly thing know to mankind.When we come to Satan, he opens the door to our cages and gives us a hand in getting out. The rest is up to us. He is always there for guidance and support, but above all, he wants us to be free. The true God is the liberator of humanity.

    Ask yourself; what do I think? How do I feel? NOT how SHOULD I think, or what would someone else think, or what does everyone else think. We are all individuals. We have different preferences and tastes. Just because someone else likes or dislikes something, that doesn't mean we should feel the same way. Whenever presented with a dilemma or something new, ask yourself the above questions. Satanism is free thought in the extreme, yet, so few are able to actually think for themselves.Now, of course, those in power are dead against free thought. Sheep are easily controlled. Personality tests are given to determine those who are a threat (think for themselves and don't conform). A good example is the military. You are tested before you go in. Strict discipline involves the physical pain of going beyond your present fitness level, no one likes for someone to shout in their face, the peer pressure of working together as a squad and the lack of sleep results in the breaking of the will.

    Most people aren't aware of it, but this is intense programming. Yes, we need the military, but here are masters at mind control. One must conform. One must follow orders REGARDLESS of what they are. "Don't ask questions." This bleeds over into every day life. Though unaware, how we should think is drummed into our heads from the time we are born. Very few people really know themselves, inspite of living with themselves for 24/7. This is really sad.

    It's not all that hard. Just remember to always and frequently ask yourself to start out with; Do I think this is right or wrong for me? How do I feel about this? What is my opinion? There are no right or wrong answers here. Just get to know yourself. This may take time, but in the end, you will experience the bliss of being free.

    Start completely deprogramming your mind today. All of us are programmed to greater or lesser degrees and most are not even aware of it.

    -High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

    copyright 2002

  • setfreefinally

    Are u a Satanist?

  • manon

    Please call 1-800-BLA BLA BLA

  • donkey

    The mental prison has the strongest bars

  • Aztec

    While I am definatly NOT a satanist I agree with many of the sentiments in this article. The "good book" should be kept out the hands of the young and impressionable as it is a very pornographic book. I also agree that we are mentally manipulated and programmed from youth to think and act a certain way and not rock the boat. I believe in mental anarchy.

    Thanks naked for posting that!


  • SYN

    The mind is it's own beautiful prisoner!

  • Sirona

    Thanks for the post.

    I agree with some of the ideas presented. However, I don't agree with Satanist ideas that we as individuals may mete out justice as we see fit. I'm sure not all satanists say this, but I know of some who feel that harming another is not questionable if you feel justified in doing so - and their method of deciding is questionable. We are not talking about someone who murders being murdered, we are talking about someone who is rude to a satanist being given their "punishment".

    Freedom of thought is good. Freedom to do whatever you want is not always good because people justify acting in harsh ways or being completely selfish.


  • plmkrzy
    Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many people really apply this?

    True. The bigger the crowd the harder to think freely. Like being on the freeway. lol

    Some arshole up ahead for some reason applies the brakes, just for a brief moment, and look what happens, EVERYTIME! GEESH! Day after day after day year in and year out. Why can't we figure out how to travel the freeway's in sync, without getting all jammed up because one or two drivers moves a little different? Or needs to change lanes? But we can figure out how to walk on the moon in Reynolds wrap

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