Well, let me lay a little background first.......................................
I bonded with something when I was a very small child and always remember this object being in my life, since I was a baby (so I was told, I don't remember being a baby).
I moved in with my X-mother-in-law in 2001. This only lasted for a few months and I came home one night to find all my belongings on the frount lawn. I was pissed and started banging on the door cause I had paid rent till the end of the month which was still a few days away. Well, the police were called and so I had to leave since I had nothing ON ME that said I was staying there and I couldn't find anything since she had packed everything.
Well, I noticed something was missing,but I refused to talk to her (since she threw me in the street instead of talking to me about what was bothering her) about the lost article cause I didn't want her to throw it away. Hoping maybe she thought it was my son's, and if I told her it was mine, I figured she would disguard it to be mean.
My son turned 9 on the 5th and she was invited to the party (I didn't know this untill she arrived).
So, as she was getting ready to leave,I had my son ask her for my property so she would be more apt to give it back.
So.....................................<drum roll>...................I GOT MY BABY BLANKET BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know this probably sounds dumb, but this is the one thing that got me through EVERYTHING!!!!!
Everytime I was beaten I would hold this blanket to my face or to my chest and it would make things better. Even as an adult, I would sleep with it when things were going wrong. I have missed this in my life and has literally been a security blanket of mine since I was a child!!!!!!! I picked it up yesterday and held it in my arms and rubbed it against my face and had to hold back the tears-----cause I GOT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by - jesika on 7 January 2003 14:32:1