Questions for Ex-Elders

by Yizuman 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Just out of curiousity,

    But since you now know the troof and are out.

    How many ex-elders have hunted down members that have personally brought them to the so called "truth" and apologized for misleading them into a false religion and knows now it is a cult?

    If any had done so, what were their reactions?

    Curiously yours,


  • HoChiMin


    Yes I have and happy to say some are now out.


  • out4good3

    The way the "loving shepherd" of an elder treated me after I was dunked I couldn't care less if I ever saw his sorry FAT ass again in or out of the troof.

  • Analysis

    I stepped down, but became a nominal JWs because of family. So no I have not went looking for any I had contact with.

    I do however make it a point to help close friends plan for the future.

    I also attempt to speak with them in a voice of reason; for example someone may make a statement about they feel that Armageddon is so near. I may first joke that I would still fully fund my 401K. Then if they press the issue I just point out all of the prophesied events that still need take place.

  • Yizuman

    Yes I have and happy to say some are now out.


    Glad to hear that.

    A lot of things have gone through my mind besides hunting down members to apologize for misleading them into a cult. But also am wondering about ex-elders' feelings about trying to do something about the hurt they've caused to their members such as dfing members, breaking up families, some committing suicide for fear of the coming Armegeddon, etc.

    I'm sure alot has felt very very bad about what they have done, but am curious if any tried to make amends for what they have done and if any healing has come out of it not only just for themselves, but for others as well.


  • Yizuman
    The way the "loving shepherd" of an elder treated me after I was dunked I couldn't care less if I ever saw his sorry FAT ass again in or out of the troof.

    Just remember that even he was mislead into a cult as well just like you were. The brain washing inside the borg is a very powerful thing for anyone to endure no matter what kind of false religion anyone is in, not just JWs, but Mormons, Scientology, etc.

    The man who dunked you is blinded by a false religion. He thinks he's truely in the "truth" so he'll do anything for the cause of the "truth". Until if he starts seeing the REAL truth behind the "truth" and leaves the borg. Please don't hold it against him for what he has done since he was blind just you once were.


  • Analysis

    Some jump to the wrong conclusion that all Elders were somehow cut from the same mold. That they are all power hungry people who took advantage of their position for their own gain. This is really not the case.

    The Organization is currently in the process of losing many of their best Elders. Many of those who walked away really wanted to do what was right and good for their respective Congregations. I am certain that many Ex-Elders on this Board can be included in that group.

  • Yizuman
    Some jump to the wrong conclusion that all Elders were somehow cut from the same mold. That they are all power hungry people who took advantage of their position for their own gain. This is really not the case.

    The Organization is currently in the process of losing many of their best Elders. Many of those who walked away really wanted to do what was right and good for their respective Congregations. I am certain that many Ex-Elders on this Board can be included in that group.



  • undercover
    Some jump to the wrong conclusion that all Elders were somehow cut from the same mold. That they are all power hungry people who took advantage of their position for their own gain. This is really not the case.

    So true. The elders that seem to be the most concerned for my well-being are the most humble, caring elders I know. The power hungry, self-righteous ones don't really care one way or another about me. If one of the latter ones made a sheparding call, I know I could dismiss him easily enough, but a call from one or two of the elders that I like and respect would be difficult for me to handle because they really are concerned. Duped, but truly concerned. And even if I managed to refute their arguments and substantiate that the Society is wrong, they would not be convinced. They would either DF or DA me and it would hurt them to do this.

    There are good and bad in every group. The bad ones give the group a bad name and make it hard for the good ones. One elder I know is just devastated whenever he has to counsel someone. It tears him up when someone is DF'd. If all elders were like this one, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. But out of all the years in(and out and hanging around the edge) the truth, he is the only one that has displayed this attitude(and one of few that I respect).

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