If you think theocratic warfare is a conflict to terminology, the institute of american dialect has coined the term "theoterrorism." Simply put, it is the killing of civilians for religious purposes. Another formidable reason why theocratic governments DO NOT work.
What comes to my mind is incidence in the bible where a nation was, by the command of God, to be devoted to destruction. This is an extreme example, but realistically, woman and children and material goods were included in this. Animate objects were reduced to nothing...all for the sake of the side of the right, the ones with greater theocratic fortitude. On a smaller scale (or greater-depending on how you look at it), is allowing, therefore, facilitating a family members death, i.e. abstaining from life saving blood transfusions, any different? To me this embodies "theoterrorism"-the killing of civilians for a religious purpose.
Later, om