Great game! A city building game set in ancient Greece, with a twist - when you build a temple to one of the gods, they personally visit your city and bestow their blessings! A temple to Zeus is best - a very OT type god - bearded, wreathed in cloud and lightning, walks the city bestowing blessings on places which find his favour and smiting invading enemies and gods alike (you've got to deal with an invading monster yourself...). You can even create your own scenarios for the game using the adventure editor.
Zeus' temple
Zeus walks the city streets
Wheat in due season...
So, does anyone else like to play this game/create adventures for it? Apologies for bad screen shots - they're just photos...
Have you played Age of Mythology??? My boyfriend is the Quality Assurance Test Lead for Ensemble Studios for Microsoft and this is their latest release. You should check it out.
It is a real time strategy game, it is really cool and fun to play.
Actually Poseiden was the name of the ship. Gene Hackman was the hip reverend, Ernest Borgnine the crusty cop and Shelly Winters is dead meat. You'll laugh. You'll cry as these wacky passengers use humour and hijinks to keep their sanity amidst the horror of an upside down ship.
I have Zeus, Master of Olympus. It is a fun city building game. I don't like the Dionysus though. Reminds me too much of my drunken grandfather.
Sim City 4 is out in another week and that should be fun too. I like all of those games with city building, home building, and theme park building. I spend far too much time with Zeus, Sim City, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and The Sims. I spend hours getting those virtual worlds just perfect.
I haven't played Zeus/Poseidon but I have finished Age of Mythology. Great game! I also finished Warcraft III which was fun.Plan on playing Neverwinter Nights. If you like city building you might want to try Stronghold. Castle siege is a blast.
You can get the adventure editor either from the Zeus site, or with the Poseidon expansion pack. I like to play the "Sandbox" type adventures, but I find even they have limitations,eg. plenty of land for building but badly placed, not enough rivals to conquer when you've built up your military, not enough opportunities to expand rapidly at the beginning, etc. So making my own adventure is a way around this. Am currently working on one which I hope to upload to ZeusHeaven soon. Have you ever downloaded some of the player-made adventures from that site?
I don't find city building my thing in its own right - I was attracted to Zeus because of the "gods walking among us" twist. There's nothing so satisfying as seeing a god on the rampage attack the city, only to have Zeus appear and kick his/her butt. Or Apollo appear to dispatch a nasty slimey monster. Or even to have Athena leave her temple with her attendents to give you olive oil and olives when you're running low. My boys have Ages of Empires 1 and 2, plus Caesar 3 and Pharoah, and I've never felt the need to play them. I didn't mind the original Railroad Tycoon and Colonisation by Sid Meier - his other stuff sucks (except pirates!), however.
Well, I've just play tested my scenario for a few (game) years. There's still problems, such as two god invasions before Zeus' temple was finished and a monster invasion before Apollo's temple was complete. There's enough land to accomodate a common population of 8000 and 16 elite houses, 4 temples and a half decent industrial sector without even having to move across the water. It's a tight squeeze, but not excessively uncomfortable.
BTW, I liked the original Settlers. I didn't mind Knights and Merchants, but the combat system sucked.
Stephanus: I never got the Poseidon pack. Thanks for telling me about it.
Wolfy: I played the Age of Mythology demo disk and read the reviews, but I think I will pass on it. It was a visually stunning game, but a lot of the emphasis was on warfare and resource building rather than city building. The battle aspect may appeal to some, but I just happen to prefer the latter.