So, I was talking to my best non-jw guy friend about random stuff when he said "What's apostate literature?" and I said "?? Why do you know that word?" and he said " Well, ron (Ron being one of my old JW friends) asked if I'd gotten any from you."
I was basically floored, hearing then that rumor has it that I am this great big apostate since I got Dfed three months ago for being a homosexual and that I picket conventions, etc. I DO NO SUCH THING. I give a crap about JWs and their BS conventions, etc. I thought it was funny, though. Anybody else have rumors spread about you when you left the Borg? Granted, I am an apostate by the JW definition because I hate the organization and all it stands for, but I don't preach about it. Oh yeah, and the story gets better. My friend Ron offered a study to my best non jw guy friend, and he accepted, but ONLY because he thinks he can convert Ron back. Isn't that hilarious?! God, what a buncha crap. Anyway, that's my stress.