Hello friends. I am new here but I wanted to share with you a place on the net where I have lived for about 4 years. Its called the Dreamscape....here's a little description:
What's Dreamscape?
Enter into the mystical world of Dreamscape. This is where you will discover how the real world and the dream world merge. First, you'll be transformed into an avatar...your own customizable, animated identity. You'll meet fellow dreamers... the most friendly people in any virtual world. You'll listen to and contribute to interesting conversations, join in events and games, earn virtual world tokens, and buy everything from a new body to furniture for your very own cyber apartment! Dreamscape has it all...vast parksand jungles, city streets, a multilevel shopping mall (complete with virtual items). Come and join the most interesting dreamers around.
Here is the link: http://ds.vzones.com/dslink.cgi?1000042 I did it because you are all great people, and that is who lives in Dreamscape. Hope to see you there!
*hugs* Laura
Edited by - Dolphin57 on 9 January 2003 19:0:38