Can you remember .....?

by ScoobySnax 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Ok, I haven't attended the meetings regularly in years, but when I think back to the times I did in my childhood and teens I can remember many happy times. Sure the meetings seemed to last for hours as a kid and the one time I did get narked was when our Ministry school meeting changed nights from a Friday to a Thursday night...."But mum, Wonderwoman is on Thursday night, can't we join the other congregation etc" I got over missing WW , and one thing I can remember, amongst many happy times, is of a giant of a man called Brian who had previously been a professional boxer, and became an elder. He used to take me out on the work. This man was huge at least 6ft 5 and built like a brick house, I remember householders faces when they opened the door to find him standing there, I'm sure they were either scared into submission into accepting the mags or slammed the door real fast! He really was a gentle giant with a wicked sense of humour who loved the truth and taught me so much, sadly he passed away from stomach cancer in 1986, to see someone reduced to a quarter of their physical size before his death was a horrible sight, but he is one person I'll never forget, for the times he made me laugh, and the wisdom he taught. I often think if there is a New system to come, he'll surely be there. Can any of you remember back to someone like this? Someone who helped shape the person you are now....

  • finnrot

    Hi ScoobySnax--Eddie Haskell was a big influence on my life. I still call every kid I see 'Sam'.

  • Nikita

    I often think back to the times I had as a teen in with the JW's. I had some fun times! The very fact I was in with them probably kept me from trouble. It is sad to think though that those friendships are so easily broken, even though you KNOW that once you are thouroghly involved.

    The family that originally got me interested in JW's, was probably the one that most impacted my life as I have known them since I was 6 years old. They were never your average JW family, though, most if not all of them (10 kids!) did not stay within the "Truth."

    I used to spend all my summers with them in the Pocono mountains of Pennsylvania. They always managed to get by with so little and be happy. They taught me how to crochet, enjoy just sitting around with family and playing games like Monopoly, taking walks in the woods, just by being around them I was encouraged to be creative. When I was with them, all was right with the world.


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