With all this interest in Cloning, I got to thinking,was it really God's intent that we should live forever in the flesh.Were we to enjoy a Life Span that would never end? Is it true that the length of the Life Span of those mentioned in the Bible were as long as mentioned there?
For example:The potentiality of Adam to live forever in the flesh,yet,lived for 930 yrs.Methuselah said to be the one who holds the record for the longest Life Span in the flesh,969 yrs.Noah 950 yrs.Shem 600 yrs,then the Life Span drops drastically! Abraham 175 yrs.etc.
Finally,Moses gives us the official death blow as to years of the Life Span we can expect! About 3,500 yrs.ago, Moses wrote concerning the Life Span at Ps 90:10,--70 or 80 yrs, with some exceptions. The situation in this regard has not changed substantially.
Throughtout the centuries, man's efforts to extend the Life Span has been unsuccessful.Will Cloning get us back to where we were,the potentiality of a Life Span that will never end in the flesh?
Of cause all of this is based on a belief system that the Bible is stating the facts about the Life Span of man.But ,what about thinking outside of the Bible,is living forever in the flesh possible? Blueblades