by josephus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    Hi everyone

    My sister just moved into my home with her four children. Sadly her marriage has not worked out, and i felt it was the very least i could do to help her.

    She is waiting for public housing, and i remembered an old witness freind who worked for the government department who did that. So like a fool i decided to see him. We havent seen eachother for a few years, but i allways asked about him to mutual freinds, ans sent my love.

    Well it seems he has left the cult as well, but when i called on him to ask his advice, he refused me, and told me to go. I brought his kids sweets, but he wouldnt take them either!!!

    I have never been treated so unpleasantly, by anyone, and we were once freinds.

    It really seems to me that whether you are still a witness or have left the whole thing f,,ks you up too badly to recover. I n future i am keeping away from everyone, and only bothering with people worth the trouble.



  • ugg

    if he has just recently left the organization,,,he could very well be a mental mess!!! i would just forget it,,,,,he maybe is hurting real bad on the inside and just "hates" everyone right now...

    still,,,it makes a person feel awful to be treated like that...

  • Solace


    God, Im sorry that happend to you Joe.

    Who knows what goes through some peoples heads, maybe he misunderstood your visit, or was upset about something and took it out on you. Either way, you didnt deserve that.

    I believe people will always hurt eachother, even if they dont intend to. We cant control what others do to us, we can only control our reaction to it. I know its easier said than done, but in a way, you are right. We dont have to let anyone bring us down.

    F*ck em'.

  • Farkel

    Greetings Josephus,

    I wouldn't be too hard on your friend. Sometimes friends can be cruel. This is common in every culture and religion in the world. Atheists aren't exempt, either.

    Depending upon how long he was a dub and whether he grew up in it or not, one does not have all problems solved when one exits the Watchtower. Although the problems may still be there, the bad influences that caused many of them are not. It just takes time. Kill him with kindness. If he's a real friend, he'll come around. If he isn't, he did you a favor: bless him and send him on his way.

    Glad to see ya around again.


    Edited by - Farkel on 11 January 2003 20:1:5

  • Prisca
    She is waiting for public housing, and i remembered an old witness freind who worked for the government department who did that. So like a fool i decided to see him.

    The guy probably gets people coming to him all the time, thinking he might be able to "pull a few strings" for them. He might have lashed out, since you haven't seen each other for a while.

    Don't take it personally. He might have been having a bad day, anything could have caused him to react the way he did.

  • Debz

    Irregardless of a bad day / exiting dub experience / whatever......you have a right to be treated to with respect irregardless if you were ex-friends or not....in this case and as he was representing a government service you have a right to lodge a grievance against this sort of behaviour. All services nowadays including government departments have client / consumer charter`s that will outline your expectations of staff treatment of you. Its up to you if you take it further, in fact HE himself, has to give you the information (if you request it) about how to go about lodging a grievance or you can take it up with his direct supervisor. I find that if you exercise your rights that people will soon back down and at least begin to address the original issue which in this case was a genuine query about public housing........

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