Townshend says 'I am not a pedophile.' (BBC)
I suppose Mr. Townsend could become a JW till the heat is off.
by DFWnonJW 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Townshend says 'I am not a pedophile.' (BBC)
I suppose Mr. Townsend could become a JW till the heat is off.
Very interesting, thanks for the link, what amazes me, is HOW do the police track these people down, from a download?
I mean there must be literaly millions of downloads daily from internet sites.
is HOW do the police track these people down, from a download
No, they tracked him from his credit card number, he entered his credit card info to enter a child porn site....There surely cant be any justification for this, he says he is writing a book and only payed to enter the sight to gather information and research. They took his PC and will search the hard drive, then we shall hear more. We shall see.
Didnt realise he was a victim of child abuse himself.
We have a bigg nocie in Sweden about this somte time ago, it was 53 policmen who have bee out on child porn site in england, talking about mess, i think alll was taken in fore examinaition, and arested.
Perhaps some englishman now more about this
Wery nasty times, and pedhofile are all over, why no use the nife on some part of the body, seems to bee a good soultion.
Sorry Happy Man I couldn't resist
Ve-a hefe-a a beegg nuceee-a in Svedee ebuoot thees sumte-a teeme-a egu, it ves 53 puleecmee vhu hefe-a bee-a oooot oon cheeld purn seete-a in inglund, telkeeng ebuoot mess, i theenk elll ves tekee in fure-a ixemeeneishun, und erested. Bork bork bork! Perheps sume-a ingleeshmun noo mure-a ebuoot thees Very nesty teemes, und pedhuffeele-a ere-a ell oofer, vhy nu use-a zee neeffe-a oon sume-a pert ooff zee budy, seems tu bee-a a guud suoolshun.
Bork Bork Bork
I know what your saying happy man, cut off their bobbits :)