Hey folks
I really need your help
Over the past couple of years , Ive been viewing so called 'apostate' material from one source or another over the internet. I guess I have been leading a 'double life' as the JW's love to put it ; whilst still going to the meetings I was still reading things about the history of the borganization . It was kind of a drug to me ; once I started looking I just couldnt stop. ( hey this could turn out like a 'Watchtower saved me' stories like those in the magazines!! ... dont worry it wont )
I guess It all started for me one night a couple of years back when I got home from a meeting and I went online . I started reading about the UNITED NATIONS scandal , and whilst I was intrigued In what I was reading , I still felt a massive sense of guilt because I really felt that Satan had crept into my life ...... somehow down the phonelines !!!
After this obviously I started to view more and more material , In a way similar to that of when you first start studying with the Witnesses you just want to learn more and more about this prospect of living on earth with big furry animals and beautiful sisters surrounding you picking berrys and apples off trees.
At this point I came across the '65 questions you must ask a JW' . I printed these questions off and started to study them intently . I was out of work at the time so I had plenty of time.
However , as I started to do so , I realised that the person who contributed to these questions obviously wasn't for us , he was against us ! So I went down every avenue possible to eliminate anything this person said ! In time , I answered all 65 questions satisfactory to me , and reinforced my beliefs in the doctrinal structure of JW's.
A few months went by and I had a suden surge of Kingdom activity. I remember going to an assembly and coming back really upbeat and resolute that I would do anything for Jehovah , as 'Satan had tested me but Jehovah made me see the light'.
I became so confident that this was where I belonged , here In Jehovahs only true organization on earth. Everything seemd to fall into place , and despite a hicup at a convention in Nottingham , England ( where I met this girl but nothing developed :-( .....I was well upset ) In the summer leading up to 9/11 , everything seemed to be going well.
Do you remember when you were a JW and things were going right ? Didn't it seem to you like nothing could bring you down? It was like a coat of ammour that nobody could destroy . Well that was how It went for me for a while.
That feeling soon disapeared . I remembered the way In which I had 'examined' the scriptures so closely when I was studying the 65 questions. It was with the help of the Societys publications !!! I cant understand why It didnt come to me at the time , but thankfully It did come to me eventually. For example I studied the question of where the 'Great crowd' was situated ; In the Reverlation book it says blablabla ... yeh thats what it means !!! Or so I thought.
So then I went back to 'spiritual darkness' (lol) and became less and less spiritually active . This was when I read Ray Franz 2 books ( thankyou Ray you saved my life man ) . This was when It really did all fall into place for me. Everything I had read and heard all began to add up in my mind ; I finally began to set myself free from the mumblings of old men In Brooklyn , NY.
I am still on paper a member of the congregation here In England . A week ago an elder stopped by and more or less called me 'spiritually immature and weak' and went on to say that I was really confused etc. I spoke to him about several things , i.e. heavenly life , but when I brought up the subject Of Jesus being EVERYBODYS mediator , he answered in a way I would never have imagined . He said Jesus WAS everybodys mediator , full stop. Not that he was just mediator for the 144k.
Can anybody please help me and give me advice on what to say to him next time ... where in the JW publication does it say that , and what other points can I bring up ?
Thanks for listenening to my ultra boring story folks !!!!!!!! It sounds good to me is all !!