New video release?

by dmouse 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    I don't know if this has been mentioned before, forgive me if it has.

    I've heard a rumour from a reputable source that another bible drama video is to be released at the 2003 assembly.

    The title is 'Respecting Jehovah's Authority'

    I don't know anything else at the minute but I can gusee from the title the general gist of it!

  • blondie

    Basically, the message is

    elders = FDS = Moses = Jehovah

    Disobey elders or FDS is the same as disobeying Jehovah.


  • JH
    Basically, the message is

    elders = FDS = Moses = Jehovah

    So if I'm good in maths, this gives


  • Wolfgirl

    I'm sure they'll add the obligatory 'you'll die at Armageddon if you don't do exactly as we say' lines.

  • Blueblades

    So the ground opens up once again! Let's watch how we walk ,lets watch how we talk,or the ground will open up on you! Blueblades

  • blondie

    JH, that is correct! Now you don't have to see the tape.

    Wolfgirl, the video has a sappy depiction of the rebellers in Moses' time falling into crack in the earth or being zapped out of existence. Only the incense holders were left. I know that bones require a temperatures over 2,000 degrees F. It's amazing the bones were gone but not the metal incense burners. (Am I scientifically correct in wondering this).


    PS Sam Herd was the moderator in the beginning and did the summation and application at the end. So you can say this is direct from the GB.

  • orangefatcat

    Like all new videos that come out, they (JW) try to brain wash the minds of innocent children to fear when their little hearts should be taught to love one another, not hatred.

    The WTS teaches hatred they judge people and for that reason none of these kids are going to be normal. They fear their own shadows. Remember when your parents taught you about the destruction of the wicked and showed you pictures before there was videos, you'd go to bed and have nightmares for fear that God would destroy you or your family. Or your grandparents who were not JW's.

    Don't you love it. Christ taught love and yet they the WTS teaches us from the moment of becoming a JW that God will destroy and open the earth and fire and will kill the wicked. Of course a wonderful God. Isn't God a God of love. Isn't he a God of mercy. We know who deserves destruction pedophiles and murders. But that is why we have capital punishment.

    But that is another topic all together different.


  • Haereticus


    Cremation temperature is (at least here) 1300...1500 and the melting point of bronze is about 1900 and for pure copper this point is next to 2000 (all deg. F).

    Mark, the hairsplitter

  • blondie


    Thanks for the info.


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