Hello everyone,
Following an interesting discussion I would like to share the following information, which I did usein the attempt to give an accurate but rather quick answer.
Considering that the WTBS wrote:
1) *** w94 1/1 20 The Watchtower and Awake!-Timely Journals of Truth
Magazines That Advocate Truth
3 Jehovah is the God of truth. (Psalm 31:5) His Word, the Bible, is a book of truth. (John 17:17) Honesthearted people respond to truth. (Compare John 4:23, 24.) One reason that The Watchtower and Awake! have touched the hearts of millions of readers is that they are journals of integrity and truth. In fact, it was over the issue of loyalty to Bible truth that The Watchtower began to be published."
2) *** w99 3/15 12 Pay Constant Attention to Your Teaching ***
Make it a habit to read each issue of The Watchtower and Awake! as soon as it is received. Pay close attention at congregation meetings. Learn to do careful research. By learning to trace all things with accuracy, you can avoid exaggerations and inaccuracies when you teach.Luke 1:3.
And also, more recently, writing about " a mature Christian "
3) "He does not advocate or insist on personal opinion or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather , he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son , Jesus Christ , and "the faithful and discreet slave"
("The Watchtower " August 1 st , 2001 page 14 paragraph 8 )
and then come out with such articles on ."journals of integrity and truth."
a) *** w72 2/1 79 Fully Accepting the Challenge of Jehovah's Service
The Naomi remnant came into a condition like that, particularly in the year 1918,
when they were, in a sense, exiled from Jehovah Gods favor. In that year Jehovah God came to his temple suddenly, accompanied by the messenger of the covenant, the Lord Jesus Christ.
He examined the remnant here upon earth; he was displeased with them. (Mal. 3:1, 2)
For a time they were not fully accepting the challenge of Jehovahs Kingdom service that had opened up to them.
They were holding back, through fear of man and were not properly keeping themselves unspotted from the world. (Jas. 1:27, Authorized Version)
Therefore Jehovah let them go into bondage to Babylon the Great and her political associates."
Look what "God's own channel on earth"
wrote about the same subjectonly 21 years later:
b) *** w93 5/1 17 Expanded Activities During Christ's Presence
6 From the time Christs presence began and down to 1918, the slave class, despite unpopularity, persecution, and even some confusion, had been seeking to give timely food to the domestics.
This is what the Master found when his inspection began.
The Lord Jesus was pleased, and in 1919 he pronounced that faithful approved slave class happy.
What was the slaves delightful reward for doing what his Master had appointed him to do? A promotion! "
Then we wonder why so many are simply disgusted.
Greetings, J.C. MacHislopp