I found out that a pedophile was among us

by stichione 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • stichione

    Today I found out that in our congregation a married man was accused by his nephew (not a JW) of pedophile acts commited over 10 years ago. The accusation came out only two years ago when the nephew grew up.

    The grandmother of this youngster (mother-in-law of the accused) approached the elders of her congregation with this information. What did the elders tell her? To let it rest and it will blow away. (These events took place in Canada, where apparently it is mandatory for the clergy to report child molestation to police in all provinces).

    The wife of the accused approached the elders (a different congregation from that of the grandmother of the youngster) and informed them of what happened. Although I don't have all the information, it appers these elders also did nothing. The couple then moved to another congregation.

    What infuriates me is that this fellow, for 1 year during this period of accusation, attended meetings with the rest of us. NOBODY outside the family was aware of the details of these events, except for the elders. I have 3 boys all under 11 that I would bring with me to all the meetings (I only go Sundays now). I can't even imagine the dangers I put my sons by letting them walk around the hall unsupervised before and after meetings.

    The elders did not find it appropriate to warn the parents in the congregation that there was a potential problem of pedophilia and to watch their kids.

    I'm disgusted!

  • stichione

    Quite a few people in our congregation know of these events now. I wonder who knows in the new congregation that there is a pedophile among them?

  • EarthyFire

    Its kind of funny don't you think that when people are disfellowshipped or disassoiciated that there is this sense of urgancy & duty to announce it to the congragation (in my case, Im not sure if this is standard procedure or not, they also announced it to any other congragations my family was a part of) however when there is someone accused of a sexual crime they find no need to warn others. Really I find it hard to believe that I am more of a preditor being DA then someone who has comitted a sexual crime.

    Guess its just another obvious show of how warped the procedures are.


  • Kismet

    I know this has happened previously in Canada as it has elsewhere. In view of some of the things being prepared it would be appreciated if we could receive more information.

    Could you please contact one of the "Canadian Friends of Silent Lambs"

    Scully [email protected] Expat [email protected] or myself ([email protected])


  • Mystla

    I'm sure no one in his new cong (other that the elders) knows about his perverted nature, and if you try to tell any one in his new cong, you could be disfellowshiped for slander...

    I have personally seen a couple cases like this and heard of several more, its so common its nauseating!

    Just be glad he's not a threat to your kids any more. Contacting the Silent Lambs is a good idea, just don't get caught if you want to remain in "good standing"


  • orangefatcat

    If I was still in among the organization just as a lurker only, I wouldn't hesitate for one minute to stand up at the end of the meeting and say,

    " oh by the way did you know that brother so and so is a pedophile and he is in your congregation and I would look into this especially if any of you have children here in this Kingdom Hall"

    And I wouldn't give a rats ass what happens to me. Because now the whole congregation will now know. And then I would abrupty leave. Do you know how fast that will spread, like wide fire.


  • orangefatcat

    Get out, get out, quit touching the unclean thing....


    Edited by - orangefatcat on 12 January 2003 17:39:31

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