Itzhak Perlman and the power of prayer.

by wasasister 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    For the following to make any sense to you, I must explain what this performer means to me. Do any of you have a favorite artist? For older members, perhaps it is The Beatles or Elvis. If you are younger, you might dream of attending a live performance of Shania Twain or Eminemwhatever your most desired fantasy performance.

    Classical music being my foremost passion, Itzhak Perlman is, IMHO, the greatest living violinist. (Isaac Stern died just after Sept. 11) Im somewhat of a groupie, having all of his CDs (quite a number of albums on vinyl) and I can usually identify him as the artist with one ear tied behind my back.

    Thus, you can begin to understand how devastated I was to learn I could not get tickets for his recital performance which happened to coincide with my birthday. I put in my ticket order back in May and as a (limited) season-ticket holder to the symphony, I thought for sure Id have at least decent seats to this event. The symphony did not notify me until two weeks ago that my order was never filled, due to overwhelming demand. When I found out I wasnt going, I actually cried. Dammit, I deserved to be there!

    Being the stoic individual I am, I soon put this behind me and tried to get over it. I made other plans for my birthday and put away the killer outfit Id purchased for the occasion.

    This morning, I got a call from the symphony ticket office. A block of seats had been released and they still had my unfulfilled order on file. I was offered and of course took fantastic seatsRow H, floor level, center. Ill be close enough to flash the man, should I decide to.

    Now, heres the thing. As recently as 5 years ago, Id have prayed for this to happen, without any guilt whatsoever. Jehovah owed me this. I would not have felt the least bit of reserve about asking for such a favor from my God. Then, if events unfolded exactly as they have, I would have been utterly convinced that Jehovah intervened in my behalf. It would have been compelling proof that Jehovah is the Grand Answerer of Prayer.

    Where do the hopes of angostics and other skeptics fit in? Who do I credit for this wonderful boon? Who would I have blamed if it had not occurred? As I sit in rapture Monday night, listening to the exquisit perfection of Itzhaks fingers on the Stradwho do I thank?

    Maybe Ill just sit out by the stage door and throw a hotel key in his general direction. I hear hes happily married and has 12 kids. Now, thats injustice!!!

    Isnt it strange how the Universe functions quite well without divine intervention? Bad stuff happens, good stuff happens, and we dont have a prayer of changing it.

    Wasa/ believing in the power of whatever gets her front row center

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Isnt it strange how the Universe functions quite well without divine intervention?

    Maybe the "Universe" knew how much it meant to you and did intervene. The unspoken prayers of the heart can be quite powerful.

    my 2 cents

    Edited by - Double Edge on 13 January 2003 0:26:15

  • Mackin

    Good post wasasister. I'm glad you got to see such a world renown artist. I envy you.

    Of course, back in my die hard dub elder days, I would have had to counsel you for praying for such an inappropriate thing. You are only supposed to pray for things that are "in harmony with Jehovah's will" (e.g. that the WTS makes more money, decieves more unsuspecting people into joining, that all apostates die painful deaths, that sort of thing) and since Itzhak is a "worldly non-JW" then clearly it would be wrong to pray for tickets.

    However, now that I'm a skeptical atheist, I say it was all just coincedence anyway. Damn fine coincedence but.

    Mackin (of the "wish I had tickets too" class)

  • Mystla

    Anytime things work out against the odds, I think the same thoughts. I would have prayed like mad as a JW and then credited God with the results when things turned out, and blamed my lack of faith when they didn't. Now, I have to wonder "Why?" Why do things work out the way they do? Is it all just fate or coincidence?

    My SO sums it up nicely, he always says "things have a way of working out" or, when I'm stressed about how I'll make ends meet or some such trivial matter he'll say "if it's meant to be, it'll happen" I'm learning to relax and let life flow, like he does. I think he's a good influence on me.


    P.S. Congrats on getting your tickets, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time, and Happy Birthday!

  • acsot

    Itzhak Perlman is also the best IMHO. I've seen him perform in Montreal a few times, such immense talent, such a down-to-earth human being. Amazing. I would also have loved to have heard Pablo Casals in person.

    As for the "answer" to your prayers, one person once told me, "send it (your desires/wishes/needs) to the universe and the universe responds". It sounded too New Age for me (I was still a die-hard dub at the time), but the unverse certainly responded to you. Am very happy for you.

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