I'm new to this board. I'ts nice to be able to jump into an ongoing discussion among like-minded people. Too bad this wasn't around 20 years ago, when I was newly DF'd and feeling like a freak. Mostly, the JWs seem like a bad dream now, except that my parents are still living the nightmare.
I'm a big music fan, and every once in a while I've see JW references sneaking into pop culture. For example, there's an album titled "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" by the band Tortoise. It's all instrumental (pretty cool stuff, actually), so there's no overt reference to JWs. I'm guessing they just saw the phrase somewhere and liked it. There's also (or used to be) a band called Jehovah's Waitresses (ha ha). Has anyone come across other references out there in popculture land?