Mary Ann Seward from Central New York

by LDH 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Do any of you guys know Mary Ann?

    Sometimes we forget that there really are a lot of good people trapped in that sham organization. Mary Ann is one of those people. I got to laughing about her this morning. Let me tell you a few things about Mary Ann.

    When I was in 7th grade, we got a new Foreign Language Teacher, French/German. She was the type that you THOUGHT you could run right over, but not really. LOL. She was so quiet and mild. Whenever she showed the classroom movies from France, the opening credits had scenes of a nude statue. She would block the projector with a piece of cardboard. How, you may ask, do I know what was being blocked? One day she got to the projector too late and SCANDALOUS!!!! we were exposed to the horrors of a naked sculpture, LOL. She got so flustered!!

    Then one day our school outlawed chewing gum. Of course, I still wanted to chew it (like everyone else). The secret was not to get CAUGHT. Well, I only got caught once. The teacher asked me, "Are you chewing gum?" Me, being a smart-ass/class clown says, "It's Aspergum." The teacher said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you weren't feeling well! But, we have to send all the kids to the principal's office when they're caught with gum." LOL. She was trying to help me save face in front of the class.

    THAT SUCKED!!! My first time ever in the principal's office!!! That was back in the day, they called home and my dad came in. I'll never forget Bruce Smith (Principal) telling me, "Check Yes, Yes, and sign your name." I had to complete a form that gave me In School Suspension for one day. Oh, the horrors!!! LOL, they started a file on me because I was officially busted.

    My dad's face was really red at that point, I was scared shitless. I found out why in the car. The teacher was none other than Mary Ann Seward, who was a WITNESS!!!! I had lied to a JW!!!

    I honestly felt bad about it and went and apologised to her the next day. Yes, she knew I was a JW. suck suck suck. But, she never held it against me. I was one of her top students. I really liked her.

    Then, when I was in high school, 11th grade I think, the movie Platoon came out. My dad took all of us to see it. Rated R, and him being an elder. (The only R rated movie I ever saw while living at home.) One of the other Elder's wives, Barb Withers, ran her mouth all over the congregation about it, and whether my dad should still be an elder. Then, she tried gossiping to Mary Ann, who basically told her to mind her own business.

    WOW!!! Mary Ann got fired up about it, too. Barb worrying about my family's business.

    Mary Ann resigned from her full-time teaching job to Reg. Pio. I'm sure, like all of us she thought the Big A was any day now.

    About two years later I got to Regular Pioneer with Mary Ann, and I have to honestly say every day I got to be with Mary Ann was fun. One time she ran a stop sign by mistake. I pointed it out to her, so she made the block and came to a full STOP!!! just in case any of the people in the neighborhood were watching.

    I never heard Mary Ann say one bad word about anyone. A lot of us could still learn something from her.


    Edited by - LDH on 13 January 2003 17:55:29

  • happyout

    Hi, Lisa,

    What a wonderful story. Mary Ann is obviously a true believer, and a really nice person. I feel that way about most of my family, they are really truly dedicated, nice, and above most, FUN. Even though they are still in the borg, I have more fun with them than I do with anyone else. I certainly hope Mary Ann has the same fond memories of you.

    I also want to say, I really enjoy your posts. You have a great insight, and we share many of the same views. I hope we can get to be friends.

  • Shakita

    Hi Lisa,

    I don't know Mary Ann, but I think we have all known people like her. Despite the borg she is actually a good person. Wow! There are many good people I know still in the borg. Some mild individuals have done cruel things because the borg required it. Thanks for sharing that story of your schoolday highjinks.

    When I was in sixth grade I had a teacher named Mr. Boyle. I'm not kidding. I mouthed off to him once, telling him to shut up. His punishment was to send me to the kindergarten class. The funny thing about it was that the teacher put me to work by having me read a book to the little kiddies. What I thought was embarrassing turned into fun. Thanks for the punishment Mr. Boyle.

    Mr. Shakita

  • LDH

    Mr. Shakita, too funny. The cool part about spending the day with Kindergartners, they think you're the bomb no matter what.

    Happy, thank you for the nice words. Anytime you want to drop me an email, feel free. You don't have to worry about me revealing your identity.

    You know what else I just realized? One of the German songs Mary Ann taught us was "Guten Nacht" or Lullaby. I never forgot the words, and when my daughter was born I started singing it to her every night. I don't think I've missed more than 100 nights total (13 years). Now I sing it to my son.


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