looking for a thread about 1006= elders knew=.......
by carla 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I have been searching the better part of this morning to find the thread in which somebody commented on 1006 known pedophiles which equals 3 elders at each jc and the totals on how many elders did not report to police (3000? am I way off?) and also how many known victims in Australia. I think they also broke it down to how many victims that would average each week/month for the last 60 + years. I understand that is only the reported numbers not the actual numbers. Thanks much for any help. -
Hi carla
I think what you are asking is this: The Jehovah`s Witnesses acknowledged that 1006 cases of child sexual abuse have been reported in the congregations in the past 65 years .
That equates to more than one child sex abuse a month for every month , every year , for the past 65 years .
Do the maths yourself .
Vin O`Toole , a J.w practicing . lawyer admitted in the Royal Commission that he receives 3 or 4 inquiries a month dealing with sex abuse cases against minors within the religion .
I was one that said if their were 1006 cases of J.W.`s handled by a judicial committee , that is 3 Elders by 1006 would equate to 3018 Elders who never reported this abuse to the authorities , they kept it in house , so as not to bring reproach on Jehovah`s name.
Their prime reason was to protect their perceived image , with no regard for the victims of the abuse.
They regarded the abuse as a sin and not a crime.
They had knowledge of a crime committed against a minor and they did nothing about it .
They should have at least brought it to the child welfare authorities , if not the police , which they should have done also.
Remember this is over a period of 65 years , and not one case was reported to the police or the child protection authorities by any Elder during that time.
And these are only the ones we know about.
Even if there isn't any legal action taken after this point, this is still the most damning thing about the whole mess. -
Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for.
Now I need to find a way to put this on a new sticker for the litter-ature they leave around in public spaces.
These numbers make me sick, imagine all the cases not reported?!
Mad Irishman
To set things a little clearer. The national average in the U.S. for children who are molested is 26%. This comes from the CDC.
Using the commission's numbers of 1,006 reported cases of kids who were molested that comes out to 0.6 percent. So let's say we triple that for all the cases not reported and you would come out to 1.8 percent of Witness kids who were molested.
If you want to calculated the number of elders who knew about molestation cases you would times 1006 by 3 = 3018, but you would have to extrapolate that some of those elders would have been the same men on different committees, so round it off to about 2,500 elders.
To be fair, and from my experience I know this is true, child molestation was not looked at the way it is now. Back in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and even the 70's child molestation was taboo and nobody talked about it or came forward with it to authorities. It wasn't until you had Donahue and Oprah bringing these types of taboo subjects in the 1980's that people started to come forward about it, so it isn't surprising that pre-1980's and 1990's nobody would have gone to authorities, and it was too shameful for the victims for anyone to know, because back then they blamed the victims in society. Child molestation and how it is handled in society as a whole has rapidly changed in the 21st Century.
I had a friend who was raped by a Catholic Priest for 10 years in the 70's and 80's! When he told his Catholic father his father punched him in the face for saying such a horrible thing about that priest. People didn't speak about those types of things. By the way, that Catholic priest was later found out to have raped about 400 boys over the coarse of his priesthood.
So this is a very hot-button subject, but you have to look at it taking into consideration many different aspects: the times they happened in, societal viewpoint that had an affect at the time, etc., etc.
If these things happened now they would be looked at differently by not only witnesses, law enforcement, but society as well. People didn't go to police when kids were molested 20, 30, 40 years ago. They just didn't. It was very rare and extremely taboo.
I'm not trying to be fair and balanced; just point out the obvious.
MadIrishman: Using the commission's numbers of 1,006 reported cases of kids who were molested that comes out to 0.6 percent. So let's say we triple that for all the cases not reported and you would come out to 1.8 percent of Witness kids who were molested.
To set things a little clearer, the number of victims is much higher than the 1006 figure. That figure is simply the number of pedophiles that the WTS knew about. Some of those pedophiles had multiple victims. The number you have used is not accurate for calculating the magnitude of the problem.
Not only that, if you like statistics, check out the stats on how many victims actually come forward and the number of potential victims within the JWs is magnified beyond the stats that you give and beyond the stats that are already available for estimated victims of the 1006 pedophiles...that we know of.
To be fair, your statistical analysis is not valid. Not by a long shot.
Mad Irishman wrote: To set things a little clearer. The national average in the U.S. for children who are molested is 26%. This comes from the CDC.
Using the commission's numbers of 1,006 reported cases of kids who were molested that comes out to 0.6 percent. So let's say we triple that for all the cases not reported and you would come out to 1.8 percent of Witness kids who were molested..
I am not convinced that you are comparing like-for-like.
You state that the National Average for *US* children who are molested is 26%. [That would be about 1 in every 4 children. But the year(s) referenced is not provided. And this statistic is for The United States.]
The commissions number of 1006 reported cases of kids who were molested that comes out to 0.6 percent...
My question is: .06 percent of WHAT? All Australian children?? Or just the number of children within the JW community. Whichever answer, what is the total # of children being referenced? That will help give us the proper percentage number. And again, the time references for the # of children should align with the time reference for the documented-yet-unreported-to-government-authorities claims that now been disclosed.
Please clarify.
mad irish man your point is a good one, it`s also interesting that the priest was found to have raped 400 boys in his career. It gives a little insight to the lengths these sick bastards will go to. So when you think these are the same type of characters in the borg it makes you realise that the numbers of children we are talking about will be huge. One ex-elder I know of from Sydney, so far 17 girls have come forward but their will be many who wont. & yes while it was a taboo subject doesn't the Borg pride itself on being so much more advanced in this field than everyone else. So please some-one explain to me where they have an excuse, they by their own admission should have been the first to be on top of the situation. I cant help but feel that God would be as disgusted with them as he was the Pharisees. You know when you watch the R.C. interview with Geoff wanker Jackson, he looks amused by the whole thing. I think they have legally covered their arses, twisted the scriptures to suit their own ends & are actually laughing at the R.C. & mocking the victims. They are as guilty as the pedo`s, period.