Just in case 'anyone'...

by sf 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    ...has been missin' The sKallywagger or wondering where she has gone off to. I have been severly 'sick' virtually. This all happened exactly at the same time silentlambs (lambsroar) was 'messed with'.

    I can only get to the library briefly now, so if my replies are slow...that is why.

    I simply am in the market for a new system (hahaha) at this time. All my files are screwed! Oh well.

    NICE TRY WT!! Try harder next time.

    Let me describe what happened:

    It started by the keypad typing it's own self. Letters I was not hitting. It is spacing words w/out my typing the spacebar. It will not let me lock caps or type at all at this point. Other days, it allows me to type. The actual hardrive beeps, well it did for a while, after it was turned on. It doesn't any longer.


    Anyone? If you have ever heard of this before, please reply and 'splain to me what happened.

    Thank you and UNC BRUCE? I love you!

    sKally (who's time has just about ran out here @library...i'll have to check this thread in a couple of days)

  • Cassiline

    Hey sKally

    You either have one screwed up keyboard, which does not make sense with the hard drive making noises. You may have a trojan and a hacker is operating your computer from a remote area. Or your computer has just gone to hell in a hand basket.

    Hope you find some relief. Run a virus check to see if you can find any viruses that may have dropped, to allow a hacker to operate remotly.



  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Howdy SF. Yeah, I was wondering where you disappeared to. Am I to understand that you do all your communicating from the library or research? Anyways, I'm happy to hear that your alive and getting better. Later SF.

    Guest 77

  • lauralisa

    Hey sKally,

    Good to "see" you... and sorry about your computer issues. Arrgh.

    My keyboard just quit on me one day a couple of weeks ago. I was looking at having to spend like $50 + to replace it, which is a lot of $$$ for me right now! So, I took the thing upstairs, pried off ALL OF THE KEYS with a paperclip, blew on it a few times, wiped it off with a damp towel, blew it dry with my hair drier, gave it a facial, went back to find my cat had knocked all of my carefully-laid out in their original positions "key" covers, spent like two hours trying to figure out where all of them were supposed to go, put them back on the keyboard, and voila! It worked again. Yay!!!

    Hard drive stuff...... yikes. I hope you get some good answers and feel secure. Is is me, or does it seem like internet security is becoming more and more of a pain in the butt?

    Hope you are well, and hugs, laura

  • wednesday

    replace your key borad first. most probble cause.

  • Dino

    Hey doll,

    Glad you're OK! I have been ten kinds of busy.

    I just contacted Hawkaw. Call me any evening after 8 CST that you desire.

    Love ya,


  • Jourles

    Keyboard typing on its own?? Sounds like a trojan to me. Trojans are fun to play around with when its a close relative in the same house....makes them think their computer is demon possessed. Can you say Netbus wrapped in Whack-a-Mole?

  • sf

    Hey hey, I've returned...

    Thank you for the replies. I'm just thinking of replacing my computer entirely. Start fresh.


    Dino...I did try to call. Yet, my phone is on restriction, again. It helps when they do that to me because I am not yet well disciplined in my phone relations. Conversations have a tendency to go for quite awhile, depending on whom the 'relation' is. I made a payment arrangement, yet the failed to inform me of the restriction.

    Hawkaw has my authorization to release my number to you, via phone only! Please do not put it in an email hawk!! Thank you.

    {{Tom Talley}}

    {{Guest77}} Answer is yes and not always.

    Jourles, thanks, yet there is only one computer in my home. And no one has 'taken a ride' on this Scarlet Beast in quite sometime. So no trojans either. I'm saving ALL MY ENERGY FOR TEDDY!


  • RevMalk


    Sorry I can't help you, but I just wanted to mention that LambsRoar was not tampered with, just silentlambs. Someone attempted to get into LambsRoar when it was associated with silentlambs, but were unsuccessful. since they've split we've had no problems at all. Sorry for intruding, I just didn't want anyone to thing we have a bug over there or something. Thanks!

    Listen to the Lambs Roar! The 'Other Sheep' are Silent No More! LambsRoar.org Abuse Survivors FOR Abuse Survivors
  • SYN

    Have you recently installed XP?

    Apparently there was a bug in an early version of that OS, MS left the voice-recognition turned on by default, and occasionally noise would come in through the unconnected microphone port on most PCs, and the voice-recog software would try and interpret it, and of course, hilarity ensued, especially for people who are superstitious.

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