How does (or did) feel to be a JW, gay, and female?
Are there any lesbians on this forum?
by BashfulAshG 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm a Lesbian trapped in a man's body. Does that count??
No. LOL! -
problemaddict 2
Actually DD, if you were a lesbian trapped in a mans body you would be a transgender male identifying as a gay female.
Take that!
Bashful, I am absolutely sure that there are. There are also many gay men as well.
Village Idiot
Are you a woman asking if there are other lesbian women here or are you a straight man with some kinky fantasies?
Island Man
I certainly hope so.
All my life I've been looking for a woman who shares most of my interests. I have found few that shared my sexual attraction to women, and wouldn't you know it: none of them found me sexually attractive - something about me not being their type. How can a man who has so much in common with them not be their type? I just don't understand it.
I was just joking! Actually, I'm known to turn many a lesbian to the dark side... 😈