Vanity Is A Sin!!!

by SpannerintheWorks 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    There is a receptionist at a doctors' surgery where I sometimes give consultations who has recently had her teeth "fixed".

    As she looked so much better, I asked her, "why did you not have it done earlier?"

    She replied, "well you see I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and vanity is a sign of pride but the elders informed me that in

    my case it would be within biblical teaching to have my teeth straightened".

    Can you relate to this?


  • Yerusalyim

    Vanity is indeed a sin, "It's still my favorite sin". However, there's nothing wrong with improving one's self image if it doesn't cut into budget, relationships, etc. Sad she had to get permission from the Elders to have her teeth fixed.

  • email

    GEEEESSHHHH!!!... I can't imagine how she USED to look... well... maybe I do...

  • freedom96

    That is such warped thinking to have someone ask if they can get their teeth done.

    I thought I had heard it all. Just think of that poor girls self image. "Uh, Brother Elder, can I get my teeth fixed?"

  • acsot

    Warped thinking #2: a former pioneer room-mate of mine waited for years before getting braces on her crooked teeth (!) because she was afraid she was being materialistic! She lived in a dark, basement apartment with horrid second-hand furniture, worked part-time but had good benefits and her employer would have paid for part of her braces. Still she worried and fretted. It took her years to decide - now that I read the above experience she probably asked the elders' "permission". What a load of crap.

  • Yerusalyim
    "Uh, Brother Elder, can I get my teeth fixed?"

    And he's hoping she has all her teeth removed, tired of getting snagged.

  • Makena1

    It's appalling the control most JW's give up to the Borg and its elders.

    I predict a new AWAKE article - "Cosmetic dental surgery - Is it for Christians?"


  • Solace

    Thats just dumb!

    Besides, being vain and being able to feel good about yourself are two different things.

    Either way, I feel so sorry for this woman having to ask permission to have her teeth repaired. How humiliating, its none of their buisness what people do with their teeth.

    Gheesh, whats next...

  • kaykay_mp

    well that was just stupid.

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