" Appreciating Basic Christian Publication...

by MacHislopp 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    Surely we have read and heard many times the following

    exhortation :

    " Appreciating Basic Christian Publications"

    Lets examine this point closely, using the WTBS own words.

    *** w57 5/15 313-5 Appreciating Basic Christian Publications ***

    ...Their zeal for knowledge may even prompt them to dig back into things that were published long before they came into the truth, expanding and deepening their understanding, and ever growing in Christian maturity...

    Do you dig out older publications to expand and deepen your knowledge on subjects about which questions arise?
    Have you really studied these earlier publications?...

    How is your background of knowledge? ... Never think: "Oh, I know most of that."

    For you will find, indeed, that you do not and that you will be strengthened by your additional study...once you have completed your study of them you can then look to even older publications...
    Only by studying earlier publications and digging back through previous issues of The Watchtower kept in the library at your local Kingdom Hall.

    There is much in the way of spiritual riches and aids toward mature knowledge in these earlier publications, and their study is most certainly worth your time.

    Then let's see the result of some digging:

    a) *** w90 3/15 14 'The Faithful Slave' and Its Governing Body ***

    19 In its issue of November 1, 1944, The Watchtower stated:

    In 1878, forty years before the Lords coming to the temple in 1918, there was a class of sincere consecrated Christians that had broken away from the hierarchic and clergy organizations and who sought to practice Christianity . . ."

    b) *** w72 2/1 79 Fully Accepting the Challenge of Jehovah's Service ***

    The Naomi remnant came into a condition like that, particularly in the year 1918, when they were, in a sense, exiled from Jehovah Gods favor. In that year Jehovah God came to his temple suddenly, accompanied by the messenger of the covenant, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    c) *** ka 351 17 The "Slave" Who Lived to See the "Sign" ***

    Did he find that body of Christian slaves disregarding the unpopularity of the world and seeking to be pleasing to their Master by doing what he had appointed to be done during his absence? He must have found them so, according to the way the inspection, begun in 1919, has affected his decision since. His actions, his dealings with his Christian slaves, speak louder than words.

    d)*** yb75 88 United States of America (Part One)

    Jehovah and his messenger of the covenant, Jesus Christ, came to inspect the spiritual temple in 1918 C.E. Judgment then began with the house of God and a period of refining and cleansing commenced. (Mal. 3:1-3; 1 Pet. 4:17)

    e) *** w83 9/15 19-20 "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism" ***

    Since the master found the remaining ones of this body faithfully and discreetly giving out food supplies when he arrived for inspection in 1919, he appointed them over all his belongings. (Luke 12:42-44)

    f) *** re 31 6 Unlocking a Sacred Secret ***

    Thus, when the Lords day dawned in October 1914, there were still true Christians on earth. (Revelation 1:10) It appears that Jehovah came to his spiritual temple for judgment about three and a half years later, in 1918, accompanied by Jesus as his messenger of the covenant. (Malachi 3:1; Matthew 13:47-50)

    In conclusion how about this one:

    *** w99 3/15 12 Pay Constant Attention to Your Teaching ***

    Make it a habit to read each issue of The Watchtower and Awake! as soon as it is received. Pay close attention at congregation meetings.

    Learn to do careful research. By learning to trace all things with accuracy, you can avoid exaggerations and inaccuracies when you teach.Luke 1:3.

    In conclusion we are very pleased with the result reached, by following the counsel : " read each issue of The Watchtower and Awake!"

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • hooberus

    And when we digg into the past publications we find the opposite of what they claim.

  • Blueblades

    Keep em coming Mac, like nero says to billy crystal in analyze this ,"YOUR GOOD! YOUR GOOD! Thanks, I just love this kind of stuff you been giving us.Blueblades

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