Disfellowshipped? I got a question

by sableindian 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sableindian

    If a person is disfellowshipped, can they talk to anyone in the congregation? And if not, what scripture says THEY (the disfellowshipped person) can not.

    And, has anyone ever heard that an elder or someone else suggest a disfellowshipped person wear a letter "D" (the scarlett letter) when they go to public functions like an assembly? I have. I know you're laughing. I did too, but it was no joke. The elder meant it! (Zion, Illinois)

  • Elsewhere

    There is nothing that prevents a DFed person from talking to a JW... however a JW is not supposed to talk to a DFed person.

    As a DAed person, I take full advantage of this little "gotcha"

    The elders hate it. I will walk up to people at the KH and start making small-talk... all the while the elders are looking on in horror.

    It is the responsibility of the JW to avoid the DFed person, not the other way around.

  • starfish422

    Elsewhere, you go to the KH??

  • Elsewhere

    I have only been twice sice I DAed in 1998... once for my sisters wedding (my dad kicked me out when I showed up for the reception - after i left the $300 gift ), and once for my aunts funeral (I was warned to not talk to anyone... and no I paid no attention to their warning )

  • Cicatrix

    Hi Sableindian,

    Why does this elder's reported comment not surprise me?? I read The Scarlet Letter and watched the movie with Demi Moore right around the time I decided to DA. I had read the book before and found amazing similarities between the governing church body in the book and the elders in my former congregation, lol.

    I sent my DA letter in a red envelope in honor of the book,hehe.

    Sometimes I think it would be fun to go to a convention proudly wearing a scarlet letter A. For apostate:) Except that I just don't buy into that title the way the WTS want to interpret it.



  • Ravyn

    ok so maybe not nightmare....maybe just bad dream, well actually
    a dream that was more bizzare than bad....kinda cool really....

    after a bunch of confrontational fundy stuff yesterday and a combination of narcolepsy drugs, an eggnog with a shot of bourbon, and an Actifed(I
    did not take them all at once!)and I was in this house and at
    a 'Book Study'. Ok but I was an apostate demonized witch and they
    all were talking and snickering about me behind my back but they
    couldn't really talk to me. So I was looking for the bathroom with
    my sister, who was about 10 yrs old(she is usually a child in my
    dreams)and she found one but it was marked 'BOYS'(like in school)
    and I had to stand outside to make sure no one came in. I was
    bitching about it and telling her to hurry up and I realized that
    this house went on and on and on and was filled with JWs, all of
    whom I did not know. I would purposely talk to them and watch how
    uncomfortable they were about it. There was at one point a room with
    babies and one little african-american baby at about a yr old was
    trying to stand and take a step on its own so I held it up and it
    walked and took it first steps and I was like 'ha ha I was there
    when your baby took its first steps and helped it and I am a
    demonized apostate witch!' And there was a sick child, a little
    older and my sister touched her and she was healed. And I was
    like 'oh no! now your child is healed so she must be demonized too!'
    And the kids were talking to us, and I got to a room where there
    were all these teenagers, mostly boys and I got them to talk to me,
    and I was thinking I had another victory! and finally I was in the
    furthest room and I saw a man that I knew when I was child and had
    not thot of for 25 yrs, he was an alcoholic and he was one of the
    elders who had reviewed me and tested me when I wanted to be
    baptized when I was 12.(In real life at the time he was so drunk he
    did it in bed with a bottle of wine on the floor next to the
    nightstand.) He was long dead but he came back just to tell me that
    I needed to 'come back to the Truth' and I was asking him why I
    should do such a thing if he was dead and came back to speak to me
    since JWs dont believe that and he must be a demon! And I have these
    pamphlets in my hand and I am leaving them around for people to pick
    up, and they are supposedly something that will make them leave JWs.
    So then I try to go back to the beginning of the house where the
    bookstudy was and I am in my wheelchair now but it has these crab
    leg thingys instead of wheels and I can climb down stairs and
    everyone is looking at me and thinking it is really cool, but they
    can't show anyone that they feel that way because I am an apostate
    demonized witch. I go thru all these rooms full of people like
    kitchens and bedrooms and I can't seem to find the beginning of this
    house but I am not too worried about it. Then I finally get to this
    part of the house with no other people and I am thinking 'cool with
    a wheelchair that can climb I can look at all these rooms and see
    what these people have!' And then I realize that they must be very
    rich to have such a huge house and I wonder how they got away with
    that and are still JWs......
    then I woke up feeling like I had been on an adventure rather than a
    dream. It was a general feeling of victory and I was not in the
    least intimidated, thinking the whole time that they were a bunch of
    morons. I had fun!

    OK Jungians, have a ball!

    If I had a T shirt that said 'apostate demonized witch'(I was never DFd or D/A--I 'died' instead) I would wear it on saturday mornings and just sit an wait for that knock on the door.....


  • avishai
    (my dad kicked me out when I showed up for the reception - after i left the $300 gift

    How? On whose authority? Man these jw bozos piss me off!

  • ExpandedMind


    Were you from the Zion IL congregation? I knew a couple who used to go there (I'm pretty sure it was Zion). Their names were Duane & Cherry Brauer (sp?).

    Did you know them, by chance? Did you know anyone else from other North / North Suburbs IL congregations?


    "The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size." --- Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • gumby

    If a person is disfellowshipped, can they talk to anyone in the congregation? And if not, what scripture says THEY (the disfellowshipped person) can not.

    The only JW that can talk to you are the Elders......if the deem it fit. They are supposed to talk with you at least once a year to......"see how your doing". If you are a known Apostate they are not to speak to you period.

    The scripture they use is 1cor.5:9- whatever. It says not to speak or greet one who has been expelled. 2 JOHN is used to include.." those that leave" ..."they went out from us and they are not of our sort".

    It has been suggested by many to not play by their rules and live the part of a DFed one when you see them. Some suggest to speak and smile and just be friendly. It shocks the hell out of them that you.....a dirty scumbag DFed person doesn't have demon voices coming out of you and foam out your mouth. Most all I have bumped into and give a friendly smile and hello to...... have spoken back with a smile.


    Edited by - gumby on 16 January 2003 9:5:45

  • sableindian

    Hi, pretty glad to get feedback on this one. Yes, I thought that the "law" was for JWs and not the ones who they are not supposed to speak to. I think its amazing that it seems to be implied that the disfellowshipped one comes under that curse. But, no, the cursed one is the person who responds to the disfellowshipped one. The person who is disfellowshipped has no law upon them.

    So, imagine this. You are in the store, you approach a JW in line. She/he can't go anywhere because the store is crowded. You go up to them and commence to converse with them. Oh, you talk about life, school, the kids, other members of the KH. All the other people will think that person is really RUDE for not responding. Cool, huh?

    Duane and Cherry sound familiar. I did not go to Zion long. Afterall, I'm just an Indian heathen. Is Duane kind of a little man? Cherry...(giggle)

    Love the red envelope comment. (giggle)

    Ravyn, we'll talk after you come down off that Actifed, babe.

    Gumby, I know it sounded confusing but in reply to your answer, "The only JW that can talk to you are the Elders......if the deem it fit. They are supposed to talk with you at least once a year to......"see how your doing". If you are a known Apostate they are not to speak to you period. ", I was asking about a disfellowship person being allowed to talk to someone scripturally. And I just found out that what I thought was true. There is NO SCRIPTURE supporting a DF person to be silent....of course now if she happens to be a woman in the congregation she is to be silent DF or not. (just joking!)

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