Is this the wisest way? - there is no truth!
by fulltimestudent 8 Replies latest jw friends
Truth is not about What You Believe - Truth is about what you do. -
Fulltimestudent Thank you for your posts, enjoying them
Can I be nosey & ask what you study, or are you a student of life generally?😀
Btw I am in London so will defo see the codex
Those three quoted statements are self-defeating.
"I do not believe anything." Do you believe that statement? Then you do believe something.
"There is no truth." Is that statement true? If so, then at least there is SOME truth, so the statement is false.
"Belief is the death of intelligence." Do you believe that? Does having that belief mean you have no intelligence?
Once we agree on a basic definition of "God", then either this God exists or this God does not exist.
Of course, that doesn't mean we have only two options of belief. We may be agnostic, for example. Theists can be monotheistic or polytheistic. Theists can have very different beliefs regarding what their god(s) is/are like.
Diogenesister: Fulltimestudent Thank you for your posts, enjoying them
Can I be nosey & ask what you study, or are you a student of life generally?😀
Sure, I enrolled in a BA program, at the university I attend to study China, soon found out how universities work and that I could not handle getting used to University, the historical studies AND the language. So I dropped language,and went part-time (four study units a year). That's why I'm still there after starting in 2008. I also found that I could not study China in isolation, so extended the focus of my studies to include all of Asia. That's why I can also study Judaism and Christianity - they are Asian philosophies, after all.
I think I'm going to just keep studying (as long as I can) - so I'm probably both a formal and informal student - I stuffed my life up becoming a witness when I was 17, and I'm nearing 80, so I'm not heading for an illustrious career anywhere, just hanging out being a bloody old nuisance, and enjoying annoying some people.
Btw I am in London so will defo see the codex
Great! Enjoy your visit to the museum - its a great museum even if the Brits did steal half the stuff in it - grin
I stuffed my life up becoming a witness when I was 17, and I'm nearing 80, so I'm not heading for an illustrious career anywhere, just hanging out being a bloody old nuisance, and enjoying annoying some people.You are officially my favorite forum personality!
The truth is so very simple that it's almost impossible to see.
First, the "ultimate truth" are words that point back to us. What are we really? Forget everything else. Who am I???
So what is it in our life -- right here, right now --that keeps pointing back to the truth of what we are. Surely, if it's genuine truth of our being is not going to be hidden, but rather very, very blatant. And so it is.
Hold a rock in your hand. It's clearly not you because it is an object of observation. You are witnessing it. Same goes with all mind-generated thoughts and beliefs - you are witnessing them and so NOT them. Same goes with emotions and physical feelings -- you witness them, they are objective, and so you are not them. So what are you???
You are no thing that can be seen, heard, or felt. You are the silent, indescribable, untouchable, pure witness that is aware of what we call our "life and universe".
What is really amazing is that it is the very same witness within all of us. We are not separate, but one in the same – which points to the word LOVE, which is not what this thread is about.
The Rebel
Fulltimestudent ....thanks for the O.P which made me really contemplate the question of " truth".
We asume truth, so reading your post I have assumed your truthful ard nearing 80, that you spent your life as a J.W wanting to be a Christlike figure, a Christian, a good, forgiving soul, peaceful, humble, gentle, A HUMANE IDIOT in the world of greedy, cynical, nauseating people .....that's the truth I get reading about you from this thread and I think that makes you a " truthful man" even if you are getting old -:)
I am glad and proud to be in your internet company. That is also a truth.
And my truth is not to waste time hating or despising, on the contrary, my private truth is not to waste time chasing extroadinary financial reward, my truth is find something you love that gives calmness and inner peace, and don't go to deep about the mysteries in life.
Enjoy your studies.
The Rebel.
The Marvster
Thanks for posting fulltimestudent;
Mr Wilson sounded like he was saying that he has no belief in any strict philosphy, not taking the either/or route i.e. Repulican vs Democrat - Islam vs Christianity - Theism vs Atheism -
I've noticed there can be the assumption sometimes that if you aren't for one side then you MUST be for the other
don't have a religion? then 'you don't believe in god'
a personal one is, people look at me, a single guy 43 years old with no children and not in a relationship, then, 'He must be gay' I've had the hints so often and people have asked me outright ... this world always seems split in two exact halves, and to imply you are not in either camp seems to make people think you're unnatural...
I don't know why we do this, I guess I did it since I was little, Maybe it's learned behaviour... but all I know is that when you step into 'no man's land' it can cause discomfort in certain people, AND and can definitely be confusing for the person in no man's land...
are we meant to live in 'certainty'? I don't know, quite a while after leaving the JW's I realised that, for me, it is okay to live in doubt, it's okay to not know... JW's made us belive that we can eventually know the answer to everything if we just wait, and that we had pretty much most of the answers already; wasn't that why it was called 'the TRUTH? ... of course some days I don't know WTF I'm doing and it shows on my 'confused' face....
@ James Thomas - you'll end up frightening people with that ultimate truth talk... Will 'PM' you about you message