Why is it that when you want to see dubs, they are never around? I always bump into them when I least expect it, and when I am not dressed apostate enough! Lol. I was at the mall a few days ago, with my aunt, and I was dressed as apostate as can be, having a cigarette in my hand, wearing my huge and very visible cross and walking around like I owned the place. My aunt and me where trying so hard to spot a dub, but noooooo, when you want to see them [to rub it in that you are a very HAPPY apostate], they are not around. I do believe I am getting free of the Borg, I really don't care anymore. Sure I miss my old friends, but the hurt is fading to non-existent. I guess I have been through enough lately to realize that _they_ don't matter to me anymore. There is so much more in life to explore and discover. I do love hanging out with my fellow ex-dubs [online or in real life], but I am finding there is far more to me, that the label "EX-JW". Life is good.
by Vivamus 9 Replies latest jw friends
Country Girl
I can always smell them from a mile away. Strong scent of ink and thrift store about them. I run.
Wait a minute.... I LIKE thrift stores! Lol
While you may be prone to flout, I, on the other hand, to flight.
Thats not ink...thats the air freshener in the john at Dunkin Donuts.
Right. Ink and cheap paper. Along with a little eau de cheap textiles, cheap paint, and grade ZZZ toilet paper, that kind with big ole' chunks of wood still floating around in it.
I have had three visits lately, and I was most cordial with them. Then, they stopped again, but I was pressed for time at the time. They stopped once more but I had just gotten out of bed, so I did not answer the door. The tv was on so, they must have known that someone was home. That was several weeks ago, and they have not stopped again. I think they gave up on me, oh well. I was hoping to invite them in next time and ask some "sincere questions" as I am an "honest hearted one who is teachable." I will keep you all posted if they show up again.
For some reason they walk by my house and don't call on me anymore, I wonder why? And I am pleased to say that I never see any that I know anymore, and they wouldn't recognize me anyhow (I hope)!
Hey Viv!! i like your attitude,hehe,hope u are doing well,Lots of love,Laura
Larc, do let us know!
Beans, lol, I have no idea......
Laura, thanx hon.