I have been waiting to post this 100th post to come up with something half decent. While I was driving this morning this is what I was thinking about.
There are a lot of new folks on here, and who knows how many lurkers checking in. The Watchtower through its meetings, literature, and agents, tells you this is not life, your life is to OBEY, pay your love debt to the bronze age desert god of sheep herding nomads, and get your golden ticket to the petting zoo at the end, what they call "The Prize". If you have lost someone in death, or are just generally kicked around by life, this can sound reassuring, but is it really what its all about? Living a deferred life, in order to have a lifetime of more obedience, love debting and so on? Your gut is telling you no!
No one's life is better than another's we all get what we get as long as were are alive and breathing. What ever we have, as humans our purpose is to grow, learn, and experience. Yes that means you are going to fail at times, but failing is learning. Watchtower has programmed you into wanting what they are telling you is going to happen, that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be happy and have a meaningful life without every unknown and question being answered right out of the gate, even if the answer is wrong. You just can't be happy without a life of 'Knowns". Well that's bullshit. We have time to grow as much as we can. We can experience and learn so much more without the blinders of the Watchtower, keeping us in a fishbowl in an ocean of experience, learning and growth.
So many of you are here, you have started to experience this. I just say keep growing, keep learning. I hear some new ones just waking up say things, like i still believe in god for now, to me this is very reassuring. You are leaving that door open to knock down other things that are going to hold you down from knowing all your potentials. Its good to want to discover truth about the unknown, but its not healthy to stake all your belief in the unknowable.
Don't go through life, grow through life.