JW.ORG Roku Channel?

by Wild_Thing 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wild_Thing

    Why is the JW.ORG channel listed under the "Popluar Tab" on my Roku?  It's nestled right next to the Facebook Channel and Fox News!  

    I downloaded it for a few and it is mostly old creepy men giving talks or reenactments with bad acting.  When did this happen???  I'm still dry heaving!

  • Simon

    It's probably a reflection of the number of JWs the WTS has convinced to download / install to watch.

    The stats are always going to be distorted for a short time by any high-control group promoting use of a certain service..

  • Wild_Thing

    I wonder how long it has been there.  And I wonder how long it will take to disappear off the popular list.  I bet a lot of people have downloaded it on accident and thought WTF?

    On a side note ... is Roku used in other countries besides the US?  I am wondering if these large numbers downloading the channel are just the US or worldwide.

    They have snippets from their "Annual Meeting" from the past 3 years on there.  I'm sure they edited it to include only what they want the public to hear.  I couldn't make myself watch it to find out.

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