This is one area where the JWs actually made sense to me. I cannot reconcile a God of love torturing someone for eternity because they picked the wrong religion.
You have to consider that hades and sheol NEVER meant the "grave" or non existence. People, all people will never be able to cease being conscious ... whether they are in the body or not.
JW's go so far as to claim that when we die, we get a clean slate and will never face a personal judgment. Hebrews 9: 27 claims the opposite. God promises that he will judge righteously and correctly. JW's worship a false God, one that doesn't judge us personally. Being unconscious after death and never having to face a personal judgment are ideas that are certainly easier to accept to beings like ourselves who are guilty of violating many of our own standards, not to mention Gods'. The gift of morality carries great responsibility.
From the scriptures a person can certainly learn that hades is temporary and is not emptied until after the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus on earth is completed. That is when the "unrighteous" will be resurrected, their souls and bodies are reunited so that the whole person can stand before God and receive judgment.
The idea of a personal judgment is lacking in Watchtower theology. This is the reason that I was so totally bewildered at the doors when I would sometimes get asked if Jesus was my "personal" savior. I didn't understand the seeming obsession with Christians using that term.
Of course in makes perfect sense when a person understands that there will be a "personal" judgment.
Lots of things are incorrectly understood by our limited perception, until the correct standard is applied.
We perceive that squares A & B are different shades. However, when the correct standard is applied it is easy to see how unbeliveably IDENTICAL they really are.