Test your skills...anything wrong with this pictur

by gumby 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    See anything odd here?

    Richard Corwin

    Don Legnon of Jehovah's Witnesses in Shingletown and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard District 20 will officiate. ( he is an active Elder in the congregation.)

    Burial will be at Lawncrest Memorial Park in Redding.

    Mr. Corwin died Friday, Jan. 10, 2003, at Redding Medical Center.

    Born Jan. 28, 1922, in Cleveland, he moved to Shasta County in 1971 from Barstow. He was a civil service maintenance worker for 30 years, a U.S. Army Air Corps and U.S. Marines veteran of World War II, a U.S. Army veteran, the owner/operator of the Stage Stop Restaurant in Shingletown for five years and a lifetime member of the Anderson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9650.

    Survivors include son Roland of Barstow and one grandchild.

    Memorial contributions may be made to the charity of one's choice.

  • belbab

    I haven't got a clue of what's wrong with the story. You will have to ask the PO, CO, DO and the BO department in Brooklyn. I know what their answer will be, don't go near this story, it's too hot to handle. Every Veteran in the country would be after their ass.


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Is there supposed to be a picture? I don't see one. If it's about the text, ... well JW's and war do not



  • gumby

    Is there supposed to be a picture?

    Do elders perform eulogys along with the political beast. I can imagine the scenario......The elders gives his discourse that touches heavily on WT doctrine...........then the mostly dub audience listens to a honcho from the vetrans of foreign war.....telling all what a brave soldier this man was.

    You don't see anything wrong with an Elder performing this? OK then.


    Edited by - Gumby on 19 January 2003 14:33:40

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Probably the WTS will justify their hypocrisy on the basis that the guns used for the 21 gun salute will be loaded with blanks.

    I wonder if Brother Don Legnon just "forgot" he was a member of the VFW. Perhaps the Holy Spirit failed to investigate this affiliation of Don's before he was appointed to his position in the congregation. I wonder if Don enacted any JCs against people who were members of the Boy Scouts.

    All things are permitted in the WTS - just keep your secrets to yourself.

    By the way, Gumby - can you provide a link to that story?

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 19 January 2003 15:0:34

  • gumby
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thanks Gumby. Re-reading it, I think it is more a case of poor writing style on the part of the obit reporter. Perhaps what he meant to say was that Don Legnon would provide part of the services and Honor Guards from VFW District 20 would provide part of the service. I don't think the reporter meant to say that Don Legnon is himself a member of the VFW Honor guard.

    Now, it is interesting that the deceased, Richard Corwin, maintained his membership in the VFW and it is interesting that a JW elder would participate in a military service.

    This may be just more "modern Dub" vacillation as the WTS tries to blur the line that used to separate "them" from "the rest of the world." Knorr and Franz would have spit these vacillators out of their respective mouths.

    Perhaps Mr. Corwin was just studying with the JWs and wasn't baptized yet, or maybe his son Roland is a JW and asked Don Legnon to do him a favor.

    I think it is remarkable that Richard Corwin served his country in both the Army Air Corps and the Marines.

    I recall when I was a Dub that sometimes elderly people would accept a bible study simply to have a bit of regular companionship. I had just this kind of study when I was a pioneer. In my "yoot" at the time, I didn't appreciate that what this person really wanted was simply some friendly polite social fellowship. Back then - pre-1975 - studies were supposed to follow the "accelerated" track. We gave 'em six months and then dumped them, because our life-saving work was too important to waste time with slackers; Armageddon was just around the corner, you know.

    I recall one of the experiences Amazing related about the little old man in the nursing home who was studying - that was a similar situation.

    Do you know Don Legnon, Gumby? Is Don Legnon an active member of the VFW?

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 19 January 2003 23:3:39

  • gumby

    I don't think the reporter meant to say that Don Legnon is himself a member of the VFW Honor guard.

    Now, it is interesting that the deceased, Richard Corwin, maintained his membership in the VFW and it is interesting that a JW elder would participate in a military service.

    I don't think he is a VFW either. My point was he was OFFICIATING knowing the VFW would be there honoring him for something they do not believe in. Why would he choose to officiate knowing this? I'm thinking you are correct in that he may have been studying.

    Thanks for your help my friend.


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