Challenge to Family Members

by Carmel 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    I am suspect that my family (brothers) may very well be lurking here. Perhaps they will come on and answer why they felt it necessary to support the elders who insisted my brother, who had just come out of an iron lung and was instructed by his doctor not to go to public gatherings attend an assembly? He became immediately ill due to having virtually no active immune system and died within two days only because the elders insisted the family bring him to the assembly regardless of the medical advice.

    So fair family of mine, what say you? As Bill O'riely says, no spin, just the truth!


  • freedom96

    That is just plain sick. How dare they insist he goes under those circumstances. I am so sorry for your loss.

  • Elsewhere

    This looks like a juicy opportunity for a lawsuit.

  • starfish422

    Carmel, ((((HUGS)))) I am very sorry for your loss.

  • Mum

    Carmel, I am so sorry. Shouldn't a situation like this make people stop and think, wake up and smell the coffee, get a clue, see the light, be thunderstruck, have an epiphany, or something?!

    I think this is a story that deserves widespread press coverage. What could be lower than forcing someone who has no strength to fight back to do something that literally kills him?

    Alert the media! And, as Elsewhere sagely suggested, get an attorney.

    With love, sympathy and outrage,


  • Mary

    Good Lord, what the hell are these people using for brains??!!! To insist on something like that is just plain sick, and totally irresponsible on their part.

    I'd get a lawyer and sue their asses off. (the ones that told him to go to the assembly, not the Borg itself).

    So sorry for your loss ((((())))))))

  • outnfree


    You did say an iron lung? So this happened many years ago? Obviously it cut deep and is the kind of blind obedience to MEN that sticks in one's craw. Elders are NOT trained physicians, psychologists, social workers, marriage counselors -- heck! they're not even trained theologians!

    Sorry for your loss and hope your lurking family members rise to the challenge of explaining their [flawed] thinking.



  • undercover

    First of all, my condolences on your loss. This must be very hard, to lose a brother.

    I'm going to play devil's advocate here, and I don't want to play lightly with anyone's feelings; but if the doctor advised against public gatherings, was there anyone who tried to reason with the deceased NOT to go to the assembly? True, other family may have backed up any elders that encouraged him to go to the assembly, but who's final decision was it? No one forced anyone to do anything. True, the elders may have erred in their judgement to encourage attendance and are definately ignorant, but the final decision was your brother's. If he was forced to go, then that changes my viewpoint.

    I bring that up because some have over-reacted with their ideas of law suits. I am not trying to absovle the elders of anything either. Too many times they do speak without knowing of all the facts or having a grip on the situation. But I don't think they can be held responsible if someone made a conscience decision to not follow doctor's orders.

    Again my condolences.

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