Most of you know that I have been researching breeds of dogs. Today is the day I get my baby! I am so excited. She is a Greyhound and a retired race dog. She is about 2 yrs old. Her race name is Princess Shara, but we are going to call her Priscilla. She is a rescue animal and I am very happy to welcome her into my home. Greyhounds are excellent dogs and they bond very well with humans and very responsive to affection. I will take pics soon for everyone to see! an hour left and counting! yeah!
My baby girl is about to come home!
by hamptonite21 6 Replies latest jw friends
Sara Annie
We had a rescued greyhound, his name was Argus and he was a brindle... I hope you have a big yard-Argus literally wore a path around the back acre from his daily runs. We had to teach him to use the stairs (racing dogs rarely know how to navigate them) and-though hugehe always thought of himself as a little lap dog. Unfortunately, he developed intestinal cancer and we made the choice to put him to sleep rather than subject him to chemotherapy and surgery that carried no guarrantee he'd survive. It was a very dark few weeks at our house...
Enjoy your new family member!
Congratulations on the new Baby!! Greyhounds are so classy looking, sweet natured and deserving of good homes(not that ALL dogs aren't.) Best of luck with her.
Good for you! I love to hear stories of people who adpot "at risk" animals. Adopt-a-Greyhound programs are so great. It's so sad to think those beautiful dogs might otherwise be putdown just because they no longer serve a working purpose.
I am sure Priscillia will be a great dog, and will love you heaps for taking her in.
Can't wait to see those pics...
Edited by - joannadandy on 20 January 2003 19:9:58
Congrats you will love her my neice has a greyhound just check her teeth well they tend to be fed mush so they sometimes have gum and teeth problems. Hers is so docile a real love bunny
She is so adorable. Getting used to the new house. She is definitely a princess. loving her already.
Congratulations on your new baby!!! Greyhounds are soooo elegant and graceful.
Buy yourself a greyhound collar and find an agent. They are popular in commercials and photo shoots. Take lots of pictures and post them when you can.