Yeah I figured that would get the predictable emotional reaction.
by this logic then we shouldnt pay our polititians at all since they are massively outnumbered by potential applicants. Or why pay doctors ? since med schools around britian have massive compatition to get in leaving many out .
Then your logic is faulty, since that is not the point at all. The point is that the new breed of union militants represented by leaders such as Andy Gilchrist are demanding exorbitant no-strings-attached pay increases of 40% while wanting to maintain the notorious restrictive practices the fire service cherishes. This is blatant extortion and a racket. If others are willing to work for less, then the current personnel are overpriced. Let the market decide the rate. If the demand for firemen/politicians/doctors exceeds the supply, their wages will go up. If the supply exceeds the demand (and it does) then their wages will fall.
Even better, privatise the service. Allow private companies to provide a better service, such as training for medical procedures. Training that the existing fireservice have largely refused. France's service also provides ambulance and first aid service. The private company Falck in Denmark runs a large percentage of the fire service, plus the vehicle breakdown service and the ambulance service. Their workers are better trained, and because the service is more efficient, they earn more than British fireworkers.
The British service is appallingly managed. Funding according to the number of call-outs is ridiculous, leading to scams like the West Midlands off-duty firemen who would call in hoaxes at the end of their shift to trigger extra pay for their colleagues. They get a hugely indulgent shift-system of working two days and two nights, then getting four days off, meaning a lot of them can run lucrative sideline businesses.
Of course, they play the predictable emotional blackmail cards about risking their lives and so on. This is designed to distract from the fact that the fire service is one of the last bastions of union power with all its worst qualities of protectionism, over-staffing, bad service and inefficiency. No-one forces fire service workers to do the job, and the nature of the work does not provide an excuse for the blatantly extortionate tactics employed by the union.