Do any of you remember the old Witness BBS's?

by pr_capone 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    I used to get on the old WT BBS's every once in a while. The ones where you dialed up directly into someone elses computer. Did any of you used to do that as well? The Society told them to shut down and they did because talks were being shared on-line. A friend and I actually had a branch of those BBS's callled "The Burning Bush".

    Remember this?


  • Introspection

    Yeah, I was on BroNet and PhunNet, those echonet systems.

  • dannyboy


    Don't recall any of the exact type you refer to, but do recall "MPTech". They always had the latest scoop, morning announcements at Bethel, etc.

    I think they were up in Canada somewhere.


  • pr_capone

    Naw, this was BroNet and PhunNet (thanks for the reminder intro) that I was talking about. Its really old school stuff. Probably from about 8 to 12 years ago.

  • Introspection

    PR where abouts did you live? I live in northern CA but remember meeting people from Phun Net that came from as far as Canada, I still have a T-shirt of a Phun net reunion.. I seem to recall everyone used their real names, no aliases. If you want to talk about this more my email is open, maybe we talked to each other way back then.


  • pr_capone

    Hey Mark.. I honestly doubt we talked since I came in on the tail end. I am in Kansas and that is where my board was based out of. Had some real cool ANSI graphics for the opening screen that a buddy of mine from another BBS made for me.

  • RunningMan

    DannyBoy: I personally knew MP tech. "P" was my roommate back in Winnipeg many years ago.

    The society told them to shut down or "M" would no longer be able to be a ministerial servant.

  • dannyboy


    Those two guys were really dialed-in, weren't they? I had travelling overseers ask me where I heard about so-and-so subject (i.e. THEY knew, but were suprised that I knew).

    One of the most intriguing documents that I recall was a list of all of the changes in sentence structure and word choice as noted in the "Bethel Library" copy of the Revelation-Climax book. Do you remember that listing?? Never been to Bethel, so don't know if this is the correct terminology for this "copy", but apparently it was the "latest" stuff.


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