Questionable Content ?

by Blueblades 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    How do you define questionable content? I did a content watch,audit, it showed that I had 71 files containing questionable content.I asked it ,how do you define what is questionable? It responded that words may appear in files that are not in themselves objectionable or they may appear in inappropriate web sites.

    Guess where all the 71 files that had questionable content were found ? Yep! You guessed it! The Bible and this site forum for friends.

    Just to give you an idea of the words found:Breast,lust,naked, nasty,sex,naughty,molest,sperm, and many many more in no particular order.These words were found in the Bible books I researched and on this forum.

    Conclusion: Content Watch has determined that the Bible and this site that is in my computer has questionable content just by the usage of words that are not necessarily objectionable in their right context.

    Solution: $$$$$$ ?????? for software to erase all of this. Oh and maybe its just because the inappropriate websites are er! ahem! p o r n. That some hacker planted there.

    Why with the wife and kids on the computer how does the hacker get in and we don't see it?

    Oh there was a couple of times when an e-mail got through with a picture of a face that said "Hi! remember me!" The wife and I deleted both times hasn't happened again. Just thought I share this with you in case this happened to you too. Blueblades

  • heathen

    I know what you are talking about ,I did the same thing just out of curiosity and man was I surprised on how much stuff came up especially from this site and there was stuff I don't recall ever seeing before .They do warn that people for whatever reason will plant the stuff there . What I did was try to find the files manually after the search so as not to pay for it and the question does come up whether or not the company itself plants the stuff there . I always look at things from the point of who could possibly gain something from putting it there?

  • kelpie

    how do you do a search??? is there a program that you can download?

  • heathen

    I just went to start menu and go to find files and folders . Some of the stuff was pretty hard to find it was under all kinds of made up file names but alot of it was just plain old jpg or something a little more pupular.

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