JW Blood Cartoon.
by qwerty 9 Replies latest jw friends
Creepy Christian right cartoon that promotes a religion just as bad as the JWs......ugh. I hate propoganda.
I read this in my own language some years ago - it kind of makes me want to go out and find someone to hit - hard ......
It is so stupid! By all means, disagreements to the doctrine is "allowed" 100 % - but this! Oh!
Creepy! What wide-eyed zealots buy into this kind of counter-measure? Out fo the frying pan and into the fire...
Reads like the script of a platform demonstration at the Let God Be True Ministries hall
Edited by - wheelwithinwheel on 21 January 2003 8:23:0
Creepy Christian right cartoon that promotes a religion just as bad as the JWs......ugh. I hate propoganda.
I agree, Ash.
<Shudder> That tract brings back memories. Not only is the tract in black and white, so is the reasoning.
I have never seen the JW's point of view so unrealistically presented. Perhaps those "JWs" have never studied a publication and have been inactive all their life? Even a newbie JW would not be convinced that fast! Especially about the Trinity! And who would hold a discussion on the Trinity when your child is dying? Oh, brother.
I am a Christian and a conservative, and I still find a lot of Jack Chick's stuff to be scary.
He is rabidly anti-Catholic, and believes that the Catholic Church is at the heart of a massive conspiracy that includes virtually everything. You can see it hinted at in the tract posted here - he thinks that the JW's (and other cults) are actually a Catholic plot to turn people away from God. He used to say the same thing about communism - that it was a plot by the Catholic Church to serve their own ends.
He believes that only the King James Version of the Bible is God's Word. All other versions are satanic counterfeits designed to deceive.
He believes that all rock music is from Satan, and that every time you bring a rock album or tape into your home, you bring a demon with it. One of his publications claims that all rock albums are blessed by Satanists before being released to ensure that the demons will accompany them.
His stuff is so wacky, that I find it fascinating, and I have a rather large collection of his tracts and other publications. Some of the out of print stuff goes for decent money on eBay.
Edited by - NeonMadman on 21 January 2003 9:40:57
As a side point, though, is anyone familiar with "Let God Be True Ministries" referenced on the last panel? Does it still exist?
The only time that I have come across this type of tract was in Lincoln Nebraska, in a coffee bar.
Does anyone know how these are distributed? Are they distribite like the Watchtower and Awake, i.e. left randomly in locations where they are like to be picked up by members of the public?
Edited by - eyeslice on 21 January 2003 11:0:0
Jack Chick gives handy instructions for leaving his tracts around - leave them in bus shelters, hospital waiting rooms, laundromats, etc. But unlike the Dubs, he can't force anyone to buy his tracts. I know of no church that will shun people who don't distribute his literature. Those who do so, do so because they believe they have some merit, not because they have to. I'm ashamed to admit, that as a seeing-everything-in-black-and-white teenager, I thought his stuff was great!