Ok, this info comes from the this morning's Fox&Friends program. The male host reported that back in the 50's couples had more sex. His personal comments were, that's because women had had less time on their hands and as such they could engage in such activity. The female host responded by saying, no way, women didn't have modern conveniences such as a washer.
The majority of women, if not most, used wash boards or just rubbing the clothes together, and then, they had to hang the clothes out whether the weather was severly hot or cold because they didn't have any dryers. All the work was done during the day time. Any playful sexual activity occurred after working hours as they had had no TV's and computers. My mom had twelve of us, and her giving birth to anymore children ended in the early forties. WE owned a TV in 1950 while living in the South End of Boston. As a youngster I did accidentally, oops, walk in on my parents while they were engaging in one of their playful activities. Any comments from the 40 to 50 era?
Guest 77