Blinded by even more flashes of light.....
*** re 79 14 The Magnificence of Jehovah's Celestial Throne *** 13 During the Lords day, Jehovah makes his power and presence manifest in a sublime way. No, not by literal lightning, for John is seeing signs. What, then, do the lightnings represent? Well, flashes of lightning can illuminate, but they can also strike one dead. Therefore, these lightnings issuing from Jehovahs throne well picture the flashes of enlightenment that he has continually granted his people and, even more significantly, his fiery judgment messages.Compare Psalm 18:14; 144:5, 6; Matthew 4:14-17; 24:27.
*** re 131-2 21 Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom *** Thunderous storm warnings from the Bible pealed forth. Like flashes of lightning, brilliant beams of truth shone from Jehovahs prophetic Word, and, as if by a mighty earthquake, the religious realm was shaken to its foundations. The John class saw that there was work to be done. And to this day, that work continues to expand gloriously throughout the entire inhabited earth!Romans
*** re 176 26 God's Sacred Secret- Its Glorious Climax! *** Thunderous storm warnings from the Bible have been sounded. Like lightning, flashes of insight as to Gods prophetic Word have been seen and publicized.
*** km 11/95 1 Regular Meeting Attendance- Essential to Our Standing Firm *** During June and July, how stimulating it was to cover three Watchtower study articles on the flashes of light that have enlightened the path of the righteous! (Prov. 4:18)
*** km 1/90 3 1990 "Pure Language" District Convention *** Particularly since the revival of our preaching activity in 1919, these gatherings have been marked periods of spiritual refreshment as revealed flashes of light from Gods Word have been made known.
*** w95 5/15 10 Flashes of Light in Apostolic Times *** 2 Among the first flashes of light the early followers of Jesus Christ received were those having to do with the Messiah.
*** w95 5/15 10-11 Flashes of Ligh t in Apostolic Times *** 3 After his resurrection, Jesus Christ gave flashes of light regarding an obligation resting on all his followers. Most likely it was to the 500 disciples assembled in Galilee that he said: Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.
*** w95 5/15 11 Flashes of Light in Apostolic Times *** 5 Just ten days later, what brilliant flashes of light Jesus followers received! On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., for the first time, they appreciated the significance of Joel 2:28, 29: I [Jehovah] shall pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will certainly prophesy.
*** w95 5/15 12 Flashes of Light in Apostolic Times *** 10 There is no question that the Gospel of Matthew, written about 41 C.E., contains many flashes of light for the benefit of its readers. Comparatively few of the first-century Christians had personally heard Jesus expound his teachings. In particular, Matthews Gospel emphasized that the theme of Jesus preaching was the Kingdom. And how strongly Jesus had stressed the importance of having the right motive! What flashes of light there were in his Sermon on the Mount, in his parables (such as those recorded in chapter 13), and in his great prophecy in chapters 24 and 25! All of this was brought to the attention of the early Christians in Matthews Gospel account, written only some eight years after Pentecost 33 C.E.
*** w95 5/15 13 Flashes of Light in Apostolic Times *** 13 The apostle Paul was especially used to bring flashes of truth to Christians living in apostolic times.
*** w95 5/15 14 Flashes of Light in Apostolic Times *** 17 What flashes of light the Lord used Paul to shed on the resurrection!
*** w95 5/15 14 Flashes of Light in Apostolic Times *** 19 By writing his letter to the Hebrews, Paul passed on flashes of light to the early Christians in Jerusalem and Judea.
*** w95 5/15 15 Flashes of Light in Apostolic Times *** 21 Space does not permit giving more examples, such as flashes of light found in the letters of the apostle Peter and those of the disciples James and Jude.
*** w95 5/15 15 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 1) *** IT IS proof of divine wisdom that, in keeping with Proverbs 4:18, the revealing of spiritual truths has taken place gradually by means of flashes of light.
*** w95 5/15 16 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 1) *** 2 In apostolic times Jesus Christ saw fit to use supernatural means to give his followers the earliest flashes of light.
*** w95 5/15 17 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 1) *** 8 It is remarkable to see how greatly Jehovah, by means of holy spirit, favored these early Bible Students with flashes of light.
*** w95 5/15 18 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 1) *** 11 Particularly since 1919 have Jehovahs servants been blessed with increasing flashes of light. What a bright flash of light shone at the 1922 Cedar Point convention as J. F. Rutherford, the Watch Tower Societys second president, drove home the point that the prime obligation of Jehovahs servants is to advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom! The very next year, bright light shone on the parable of the sheep and the goats.
*** w95 5/15 20 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 1) *** 17 In time, flashes of light revealed that Jehovahs chief purpose was, not the salvation of creatures, but the vindication of his sovereignty. The most important theme of the Bible was seen to be, not the ransom, but the Kingdom, for it will vindicate Jehovahs sovereignty. What a flash of light that was!
*** w95 5/15 20 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 1) *** 21 There are further examples both of great flashes of light and of those that might be considered small.
*** w95 5/15 22 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 2) *** 6 There was the question of who should serve as elders and deacons in the congregations. To get away from the hierarchical structure prevalent in Christendom, it was concluded that these should be elected democratically by the vote of the members of each congregation. But increasing light contained in The
Watchtower of September 1 and of October 15, 1932, showed that the Scriptures do not provide for elective elders. So these were replaced by a service committee, and a service director was chosen by the Society.
*** w95 5/15 22 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 2) *** 7 The
Watchtower of June 1 and of June 15, 1938, contained flashes of light showing that the servants in the congregation were to be, not elected, but appointed, that is, appointed theocratically.
*** w95 5/15 23 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 2) *** 9 Many flashes of light have pertained to Christian conduct. For instance, consider the matter of neutrality. A particularly bright flash of light beamed forth on this subject in the article Neutrality appearing in The
Watchtower of November 1, 1939. How timely it was, coming just after the beginning of World War II!
*** w95 5/15 26 Flashes of Light- Great and Small (Part 2) *** 20 Through the years, flashes of light both great and small have been illuminating the pathway of Jehovahs dedicated servants. This has been in fulfillment of such scriptures as Psalm 97:11 and Proverbs 4:18.
*** w99 3/1 13 "The Temple" and "the Chieftain" Today *** 2 Since the restoration of pure worship, Jehovah has blessed his people with many flashes of spiritual insight, including the discernment of what Gods spiritual temple isJehovahs templelike arrangement for pure worship.
Like that last one?
One of the flashes of light that Jehovah blessed his people with is that God's spiritual temple is Jehoveah's templelike arrangement of pure worship! Why didn't I think of that! {sigh} I guess one needs to have the Wathtower's active force oprating in them.