Have you ever considered the countless ways the infantile writing dept. subtly demonizes most everything outside the Kingdom Hall with the simple yet effective use of the word ...secular. They are the masters of guilt slinging!
secular employment
As if there is some other kind of employment that a witness can pay their bills with.
secular activities
As if activities need to be catogorized to be a christian....like enjoying a movie?
secular housing
As opposed to dormatory style institutionalized living quarters?
secular education
As opposed to reading the Watchtower?
secular recreation
As opposed to the recreation that is sponsored by the society?
Doesn't exist.
secular reading
like everything printed in the world except the watchtower?
secular training
as opposed to training by janitor elders?
secular clothing
like anything other than monkey suits and mother teresa dresses?
secular thinking
OMG, like an actual original thought?