by ReligionOfHatred 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Huh? Is there a background story to this? Who is "This guy" you refer to and what do you mean when you say "He blew up his janitorial business" and "blew up her car"? Can I respectfully ask is English your first language?
Nothing from nothing = 0
A poster who hits and runs. I guess it takes all sorts. Moving right along... -
As I said on another post regarding R.O.H , is it just me , or am I paranoid ?
Half banana
Hey Religionofhatred, thanks for posting, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate with JW parents and all the problems which go with being attached to the cult.
I hope you were able to get a few things off your chest and if you don't come back, I hope you can make up for the JW religion by being yourself and having a good life. Don't give up.
Beef Stroganof? Thanks for the great idea! That's what we'll have for dinner tonight.
A good stroganoff is one of the most delicious things ever. -
Take care ReligionofHatred. I hope you are able to find some support here because you do seem to be going through some very tough times with the JWs, judging by the other posts you have started.
I second what steve2 said. Whatever you are going through, we wish you the best! People here have dealt with and are overcoming all kinds of personal horrors. There is strength in numbers. Feel free to get things off your chest here anytime.