***the mole** im no apostate/ commentary

by the mole 5 Replies latest social current

  • the mole
    the mole
    There are those of us who cry out for freedom. Is there such a thing as Christian Freedom? I believe that there is. Many of us in our own religious circles are being suppressed not to think and to feel. The human need of expression and love to one another is being dictated to only love those in our own religious environment. This alone causes the division we know in and else where throughout the world. This must stop, but it cannot unless we ourselves put a stop to it. We can never like everybody everywhere all the time but at the same time do we need such divisions; on the other hand, religion supposedly preaches love but approves the actions of shunning and neglect because one is not part of their organization.
    As a member of the Jehovahs Witness Organization I see this problem within our group. In the last two weeks I have been told that we must avoid those who are not of our faith and to also avoid any one who questions the Organizations policies. Yes, it is true. We are being told by the leaders of each congregation to follow this direction so not to be against god's word. I have spoken too many of my associates and peers about this matter and we are all dumbfounded that our own organization has subjected us to follow the same rules and guidelines the Pharisees had done in Christ time.
    I read a book recently and it brought some facts I wanted to share with others. It was written by Bernard McGinn. In his book titled the Coming of the Antichristo he explained in his chapter of Heretics how religions then and now are still similar. He said,
    Rhetoric was used internally; to identify certain Christians as apocalyptic enemies because of their heretical beliefs.....{These} traditions offer unusually strong resources for group solidarity and action against threats, imagined or real. This is as true as we approach the year 2000 as it was at the turn of the first millennium....Those who use [this] language and its equivalents [use it] only as a weapon to smear opponents.

    I can say this. We ask Jehovah that we have recognized the cunning and the damaging seduction of our souls by false and hypocritical prophets, guided by the Antichrist against the Law of Jehovah that we may beware of them and diligently be on our guard against them. For we now clearly see the Great Abomination standing in the , as prophesied by the prophet Daniel: the ridicule, blasphemy, suppression, and repudiation of all Gods truth. I ask for the reformation of our current problems.

    It is clearly evident that only those who say the word Apostate are afraid that their faith and traditions can not hold up to the truth or criticism. Is it true that our religion is scared that its members are fed up with the useless speculation about the end? The irony is that many who are members are convinced the Antichrist is working within the Organization. The movement has begun for the Elders to stop frightening their congregations of the coming end to create their own means of getting them to obey what ever whim they have that week.

    An article came out published by the Organization, and I quote,

    All Christians should be careful not to add to the burdens of others by taking it upon themselves to impose their own ideas in matters of personal choice.....Others tend to turn the Societys suggestions and guidelines into rules....Some have carried this mature counsel to extremes.

    If the article can be published and written for us for counsel then obviously there is a problem of those who are doing this within the organization. It stands to reason this is so or it would have not been written for us.

    I think these scriptures apply to all: Ephesians 2:8-10, 2Corinthians 3:6, Romans 7:6, John 7:24.

    One last point that should be brought out is the issue of disfellowshipping. It is unscriptural and against the true teaching of our Holy God. The New Jerusalem Bible, NIV, and the Bible and others give the correct interpretation of the Holy Bible without the slighted version we are forced to except as the true Bible. Isaiah 58:7 says, you should not deny your own kin. Yet, the Organization will follow Matthew 18:15-17 and back it up with its own litature. The Elders handbook Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock quotes all internal doctrine to support this crime of the personality. The vague interpretation is as solid as truth as far as the other members are concerned and will say anything to defend this injury. Shunning was condemned as part of the old order by Christ himself; furthermore, the Elders assume a position to be judges by claiming to purify the congregation. Sadducees and Pharisees way of thinking is supported in are new way of thinking or the new light as they call it. The Elders handbook says convicting the wrongdoer and convincing the wrongdoer of his errors can bring him back to repentance. This is the facts and all should know the truth about the true order of things in this organization.

    I remember not long ago a Circuit Overseer came to my apartment to see how I was doing. He didnt say anything until the other Elder of my congregation was finished talking to me about my health. The C.O. told me to look up a scripture with him and so I obliged him. We looked up 2 Corinthians and after we read this scripture he asked me what I thought of it. I told him that this is a major belief in our religion. He looked at it and said this was his way to see if I was apostate to see if I believed the anointed where leading us. I could have disputed this because there is no evidence of it and also those who lead our Organization are not even of the anointed.
    The Elders didnt come to encourage me it was a witch hunt. Ever since then I sit at my kingdom hall not with joy in my heart but with disdain at the hypocrisy.
  • Shakita

    Hi... the mole:

    The Elders didnt come to encourage me it was a witch hunt. Ever since then I sit at my kingdom hall not with joy in my heart but with disdain at the hypocrisy.

    If you believe everything you wrote in your post, then why are you still sitting at the kingdom hall? Don't you think that your heart is trying to tell you something? You cannot live a lie and expect to be happy.

    Mrs. Shakita

    Edited by - shakita on 22 January 2003 18:57:36

  • wednesday


    I have been jw all my life.they are moving in a direction i would not have believed 30 years ago.The DF have for years now, been dealt with without mrecy. it was when i saw that there really was no love, and no mercy, i could no longer go in service. Then eventually, i could no longer go to the meetings. I don't know if the corruption i see now can be reversed, but i cannot go back until i see a different spirit operating in the congregations.

  • sunshineToo

    Thank you, the mole, for posting a very moving thought.

    On the day when I was going to tell the elders that I would like to DA, I went to see a 4th of July parade. Looking at all those people from different ethnic backgrounds made me cry. I couldn't help it. How could they say that all these people are condemned to die? I realized how the JW organization is unloving and destructive.

    mole, hang in there. I DA'd myself because I couldn't tell others to join the jws, and I didn't want to share their guilt. My conscience wouldn't allow it. I am free now. I can see the bigger pictures now. I am not an another frog in a little well looking at the wall and say, "since there is no where else to go, I'll stay."

  • sunshineToo

    One more thing,

    deciding whether you'd DA yourself or to stay is TOTALLY YOURS. Because I DA'd that doesn't mean you have to DA yourself. Besides, you are THE MOLE.

  • Goshawk

    The mole, good post, when I was attending I thought the lack of love was just found in just some congregations, much to my dismay in my travels around the U.S. I found it more common than not. Please do not misunderstand me, there are some very good people to be found in the congregations, but the control and direction seems to have been dominated by those that have created a legalistic environment, as you pointed out, that Sadducees and Pharisees would thrive in.

    Here is some fodder for thought concerning the WTS. More specifically, observations for those sitting on thrones in heaven in rule of mankind in the future. To be understood by this group one must use tools and ideas that are familiar to them.

    Has there been a precedence of what is expected of those in positions of guidance (read power). Examine what was said about one king of Israel.

    Woe to him who builds his palace by unrighteousness, his upper rooms by injustice, making his countrymen work for nothing, not paying them for their labor.
    The wind will drive all your shepherds away, and your allies will go into exile. Then you will be ashamed and disgraced because of all your wickedness. (Jeremiah. 22:13,22)

    The same standard should be applied to an even greater extent to those who have claimed direction through flashes of guided insight (divine guidance). Is there a parallel to the scripture and what has happened in the recent past with hours, labor and funds from the rank & file?

    ... Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture! Declares the Lord. Therefore this is what the lord the God of Israel says to the shepherds who tend my people: Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and hove not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done, declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 23:2)

    Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue the flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them. (Ezekiel 34: 2-4, 10)

    Again, is history repeating itself in the WTS leadership? The reader can draw their own conclusions after considering the policies that tear families apart, victimize innocent ones, protect the predators (wild beasts) and enrich the elite at the expense of the rank and file.

    It is not surprising mistrust, paranoia, and lack of true love would be normal in such an environment created by this attitude of the leadership, along with the control issues not even touched upon in this thread.

    There it is in terms they should be able to understand. Will they be punished? Will they be held accountable? Will we see it in our lifetimes? I dont know. We can hope so but, for those that think that the WTS leadership will not be judged or punished (even by man made organizations), then it is enough to see events of the near past, and current trends and be forewarned from what can cause harm to themselves or others dear to them.


    Goshawk Having fun with a new NIV class

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