Hi, for those who can understand french, on sept.2 in Canada(Quebec) on channel TVA aired a documentary on JWs made by an ex-jw, Jean-Sébastien Lozeau. It is now on YouTube, but it will probably be deleted soon. So Watch it before it dissappears.
by yalbmert99 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi, for those who can understand french, on sept.2 in Canada(Quebec) on channel TVA aired a documentary on JWs made by an ex-jw, Jean-Sébastien Lozeau. It is now on YouTube, but it will probably be deleted soon. So Watch it before it dissappears.
It's extremely late , so I only watched the intro.
Very moving.
Synopsis (via google translate)
In the name of Jehovah explores the reality and daily life of the followers of Jehovah's Witnesses, through the eyes of experts and followers of this religious movement (current or former). Focusing particularly in treatment of children within the movement, the director, Jean-Sébastien Lozeau, himself a former Jehovah's Witness, meeting people left the movement and collect their testimony about their experience. So, Annie Pelletier, Patrick and Melanie Pilon Lacombe then tell their memories as children of Jehovah's Witnesses. Where do their disappointment? What difficulties have they had to overcome since leaving the movement? How Jehovah's Witnesses marked them?
The director does not hesitate to raise the current members narrative part of the organization whose Lagacé family with their three children and Léonce Crépeault, spokesman for Jehovah's Witnesses .
Some specialists provide an analytical and critical look at the evidence heard. We find among other Michèle Dionne, director of the DPJ, Lorraine Derocher of Research on Children and Families Centre at McGill University, Jean-Pierre Ménard, lawyer specializing in health law and promotion of the rights of users of the Quebec health system. What happens there in the emotional, social and legal persons who decide to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses? Their remarks clarify those issues that are sometimes unclear.
Melanie LACOMBE: Now aged 39, she made the decision to leave Jehovah's Witnesses, there are nearly 22 years, or 17 years. His parents and sisters do not want to see it from.
Patrick Pilon: After living a childhood of physical and psychological violence, he left the Witnesses to 14 years, but the doctrine it, so keep a hold on him. This leads him to live two religious psychosis and, even today, at the age of 26, suffer severe psychological damage.
Annie PELLETIER: Control from the age of 7 years, and until 20, she is excluded after being raped on 2 occasions and accused of having done nothing to prevent the perpetrator. She refused at the time the verdict and continue to believe that it is in its place. Today, at 36, she is happy to be out and becomes aware of the nonsense of what she experienced.
Ex-control (which we can not mention the name): Jehovah's Witness from birth until the age of 25, this woman is now 30 years young mother. She was abused by her father and then her husband from whom she is separated today. She fights in court to extricate his 8 year old daughter of alienation caused by the religious beliefs of his father, those of Jehovah. It tells the story of her little 8 year old daughter who has a choice she did not and which it tries to leave but in vain.
Jean-Pierre Ménard: For over 20 years, Jean-Pierre Ménard, a senior associate at MENARD, MARTIN Lawyers, runs a firm specializing exclusively in health law, in the representation and promotion of the rights of users of the system Quebec health. His firm handles almost half a prosecution medical and hospital liability in Quebec courts.
Michèle Dionne: Director of Youth Protection (DYP) provincial director and university-Institut Montreal Youth Centre since 2008, Ms. Dionne has worked for 32 years with children and families in difficulty.
Yves CASGRAIN: Author of the blog The anti-sectarian, he was a researcher for Info-Cult from 1985 to 1994. He worked on his own from 1994 to 2000. His role was to help the victims, to give lectures and making media appearances related to the subject. Its expertise enables it, even today, to help the victims who contact it and to intervene with the media even if he is no longer his main occupation.
Lorraine Derocher, sociologist, is currently postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Research on Children and Families (CREF) from McGill University. Author of Living his childhood in a religious sect understand to better intervene and intervene with religious sects in youth protection - a challenge (University Press of Quebec), she is particularly interested in children raised within sectarian groups. She regularly gives training and conferences on the subject for psychologists, police officers, social workers and pastoral workers. "
Celine CASTILLO: Psychologist formed at the University of Montpellier and at UQAM, she worked in public environments including child psychiatry. She also teaches as continuing education, including technical to childhood, at the university level.
Never a jw : these copyrighted videos don't last long on YouTube.
NVR2L8 : Yes Léonce Crépeau was lying, we all noticed.
wifibandit : thanks!
OK super merci je vais regarder ça toute à l'heure !
Thanks this is great ! Hey anyone else in the greater Montreal area shoot me a PM !
Très apprécié !