My Old Living Room(Pic)

by Undecided 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    This is my old living room that I grew up in. It wasn't painted until years later. Notice the little table, it was made by one of my uncles. Thought someone might like to see some of the old log houses of the old south.

    Ken P.

    Edited by - Undecided on 23 January 2003 21:52:43

  • betweenworlds

    Great picture Ken!

    It looks very homey :)

    Thanks for sharing!


  • Utopian_Raindrops


    You grew up in this home Undecided!!

    Looks very homey and down to earth.

    I love the fireplace.

    Your home reminds me of Abraham Lincolns home where he grew up. We went to see it one year. It saw cozy and small. Cooking, eating, and living room area were all in the same room!

    I think this kind of living makes for closer families and have made some of the most creative minds in America!

    Is your childhood home still standing? It would be awesome for future generations to see and have family gatherings at.

    Thank- you so much for sharing. I am showing my children your little piece of history.

    If youd like to write a bit about your life there the children and I would really enjoy it.

    Para ti

    Agape, Utopian_Raindrops

  • Undecided

    The house is still there, I see the man who owns it now at McDonalds quite often. He said I was welcome to come by and visit. He said it was about like it was when I lived there inside. He raised his kids there also and said he wouldn't think of moving or selling it. We slept upstairs in a small room and at night the fire would go out and it would get below freezing and the water in the buckets in the kitchen would freeze on top and we would break the ice with the dipper to get a drink.

    There was no inside plumbing, we would go to the spring to get water. There were about 300 acres in the old homeplace that my grandparents originally owned. It was divided up between the four children, my uncles and aunts and dad. We all lived in log houses. The old home place of my grandparents is still there back in the woods, but it is about to fall down. My brother and I went over a few years ago and made a video of the place.

    Life was so different back then. The kids would play in the woods, jump over gullies, climb trees, swing on vines, play in the creeks, build brush camps etc. It was a good time to live, no TVs, video games, computers or many toys. We had to use our imagination and make many of our play things. We didn't wear shoes in the summer, except to go to the meetings which were in someone's house. There were no KHs.

    I will post a picture of the outside of the house later, when Strik9 is working again.

    Ken P.

  • Farkel

    Hiya, Ken!

    Check yer email!



    Hey Ken,looks rustic.Cool pic.I like seeing things from yester-year...OUTLAW



    Rustic! . . .yeah, that's the word . . . What a great fireplace! . . . could use a sheepskin rug on the floor . . . oh . . . and a bi-i-i-i-ig soft couch with lotsa lotsa cozy pillows!

    Thanks for sharing!


  • ThiChi

    When I close my eyes, I can see Little Joe, Hoss and Hop Sing sitting around table.....

  • Utopian_Raindrops


    What a wonderful childhood you must have had!!

    Most of us today would love such a life for our children.

    kids would play in the woods, jump over gullies, climb trees, swing on vines, play in the creeks, build brush camps etc. It was a good time to live, no TVs, video games, computers or many toys. We had to use our imagination and make many of our play things. We didn't wear shoes in the summer,

    Sounds like Paradise**sigh**

    My own parents grew up on large pieces of land and so when I was a child they moved us to the country to live. We had horses, chickens, rabbits, steer, raccoons, and even raised or cared for wild animals such as baby owls that could not be returned to their nest, a wounded hawk....etc.....the list goes on. We felt free but not as free as 300 acres worth! Your childhood must have been an adventure!

    Doesnt it feel awesome that someone else raised their children there?

    Thank-you so much for sharing a piece of your life! I very much look forward to seeing other pics of your home.

    Christian Love,


    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 24 January 2003 13:2:24

  • somebody

    Thanks Ken.

    The picture is beautiful. looking forward to some more!



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