Hello from the People's Republic of Cuba! Life is very different here from what most of us on this board are used to - things like toilet paper and food are luxuries. Sometimes I wonder how I ended up fortunate enough to be born in a country as wealthy as the USA where toilets are not flushed with a bucket of water, the meat doesn't sit in the market all day covered in flies, and people make more than $4.50 a month. Yet the people here are happy and so full of life - that we should be envious of! I also wonder how I could be born in a country that causes these people (that did not choose where they wanted to be born and what government they were to live under) to be crushed by an economic blockade for the past 44 years.
I think the idea a paradise where people are continuously happy and have no problems would stagnate the brain. Maybe we are on this earth to learn to appreciate the good by suffering through the bad. I certainly have come to learn a lot over the past few weeks. I can only hope that the paper I'm writing for the U.S. State Department will somehow make a difference.