I know this is a bit off the topic of religion, but I just got back from seeing Ant Man with my son. I'm getting tired of the fact that Hollywood (and in this case the action/hero genre) rarely seems to have an original thought. Has anybody noticed the same theme?
Good guy fights bad guy that is similar. The same powers and/or the same hardware.
So in this one, Ant Man battles the "Hornet" - another suit that allows the wearer to shrink.
In the past, we've seen in the second Hulk movie, Hulk battles another Hulk.
Spiderman 3 battles Venom, a black-colored clone of Spiderman.
I know there was an Iron Man movie where Iron Man battles Mickey Rourke who has another chest battery thing. Not to mention battling another Iron Man suit in the first movie.
X-men movies are almost always (probably always -haven't seen hem all) about mutants fighting mutants.
We can look at the latest Superman movie where he battles General Zod from his home planet. ie another Superman. In the old Christopher Reeves Superman movies, he did this in Superman 2. In Superman 4, Lex Luthor created his own Superman, cloned from Superman's hair and powered by the Sun.
In the latest Star Trek, Kirk and gang not only battle Khan, they battle a bigger version of the Enterprise.
This probably goes back to the Toho Studios days with Godzilla vs. Mecha-Godzilla. Or King Kong vs. Robot Kong.
C'mon. Think of another idea other than "super hero battles another version of himself". It's old, it's tired.
Granted, with TV shows, after dozens of episodes, you're searching for ideas. But they don't seem to get around to fighting a clone as often. Why do the movies lead with it?
The 70's Hulk series had him fight another hulk, but that was a ways in to the whole series. The six million dollar man had him go up against another bionic man, Barney Miller (not that Barney Miller). The relatively new Doctor Who series has him going up against another time lord.
Honestly. Think of something new.
My son and I generally liked Ant Man and there was also plenty of humor in it. But the same plot over and over gets tiring. Add to it the CEO angle, somebody else trying to perfect the technology for military purposes and ends up using the technology to fight the hero. Wasn't this movie basically Iron Man 1?
There's supposed to be a Deadpool movie coming out. If he ends up fighting an invincible, immortal, wise-cracking villain, I'm done with Marvel.