Oh Sheila that was so pretty. My daughter and I both have curly hair, when I was a baby I had ringlets, but they lossened up, but my Kelly has the most beautiful curly perfect ringlets and she is 9, so I think they are staying .
That poem reminded me of her when she was a baby, chubby checks and chubby baby knees. I remember her dad and I got sad when she outgrew those baby knees.
This morning while it was still dark she got in my bed and we snuggled and it was so fullfilling to still be able to hold my baby girl. Here lately she has been so moody and seems to just hate me at times, I guess it is the age, and hormones changing. It seems girls now a days mature faster than we did in my day. She is almost as tall as I , and her feet are as big as mine, we are sharing clothes already. I am not tall 5'2, but I think she will be alot taller, I hope so anyway.
Thanks for that poem,,,,,,,,, I look forward to spoiling my grandchildren like no one ever has, I will probably go over board and have to be told to get our their business.......lol. No, really I have seen both sides of that ,,,,,,,,, from some grandparents doing too much, and some nothing at all, so I want to be a good grannie, much like mine was.
Makayla is a beautiful name,,,,,, my nephews girlfriends has a cousin by that name, they call her KK sometimes. She has Blonde gorgeous ringlets and is a chubby tubby too.
I will try to post a pic of my kelly...........Sorry for rambling, but feeling so motherly today.
Edited by - LyinEyes on 24 January 2003 14:31:31