Don't know about the rest of you, but this sounds like a very suspicious request. A person isn't even living here - isn't even living in this country, and is looking to meet friends from a specific town that she can't even spell, doesn't care if they're active or inactive JWs, and is specifically is looking for gay males.
That seems terribly odd. If you're just looking for friends, why do they have to come from Carrollton? Why not Richardson? Dallas? Paris? London? Why so much interest in one little Dallas suburb? Did you pick it, blindfolded, off of a map?
Why would an active JW be looking for friendship with inactive JWs? Not that it doesn't happen, but it's not allowed within JW rules - especially association with a gay person. Any JW should know that JWs shun gays. And an active gay man would probably not be an active JW, so you could almost assume inactive.
It looks to me like she knows who she's looking for and thinks he's in Carrollton and knows he was, at some point, a JW. Not that that's innapropriate to be looking for somebody in this section. If this were sincere, she could have said something like I'm looking for a guy who used to be at my hall. He's gay, he's about 30, 6 foot tall, blond hair, and I think he moved to Carrollton Texas. I'm so-and-so and he was my friend and I miss him and I'd like to get back in touch with him.
Instead, there's this ruse of looking for friendship. It's seems deceitful. It's possible that this man is hiding from 'coolmama' for whatever reason. Maybe it's a very good one. Is 'coolmama' an Ex-lover? A Stalker? Someone trying to draw out this man?
Be careful of providing this info or responding if you are this person.