Having made the somewhat selfish decision to minimize my WTS research, it has been necessary for me to attempt several generalizations and summaries for the sake of personal closure. This investigative process consumed approximately two of my years and I'm approaching my Oh-so-sought-after final statement, for my own finality and for anyone who may also have interest.
Because I consider many of you my friends I felt it appropriate to ask your opinion and comment. As much as I've endeavored to find a single, all inclusive descriptive word for the WTS, I am as of yet unable to satisfactorily reduce it less than two. I submit to you the consumation of my effort, to this date, for your consideration...The WTS in two words: Holy $hit. At first it might seem inaccurate given that the term is an oxymoron, but wouldn't you first of all be willing to agree that 'moron' has its rightful place in this calculation? Secondly, not only is the word 'holy' a wonderful ironic accompanyment...mainly because it cannot be properly (no partial-quoting) interpreted independent of the remainder of my summation, that being self-explanitory...but also it is correctly incorporated everybit as carelessly as the WTS's frequent assigned usage, therefore being further, if not entirely, representative of the subject attemted to be described.
In the interest of fair play I'll respectfully ask that none of you make a mockery of my very genuine effort as it has come at a great price. But if you find yourselves disagreeable with my findings, perhaps you'll offer your insight and possibly even your own renderings at their most elementary point, explanitory elaboration is welcomed. I believe we could all enjoy, in fact appreciate each others perception and answer to the question........ The WTS in a single word?